Forum members as extras

Amos Hames 2

Dedicated Member
Am I right in thinking some of you have been extras in episodes. If so which episodes and did you get a line of speech. I'll look out for you on my next run
Taking a photo now is so so simple with a mobile phone and if you don't like it you simply delete it and take it again all for instant viewing. It makes you think about fairly recent times, even around the arrival of modern mobile phones, which arrived without a camera and the only real options were the "old roll of film and take them to Boots or somewhere similar to be developed " with no idea if they were any good or you had four photos of the floor or blurred images of your family and friends .

Digital camera's did pave the way for what we have now but you still had to take the memory card to print off pictures or have sophisticated software on your desktop and photo quality paper with a decent home printer to achieve anything like what you got from a roll of film. Our site whilst still brilliant for the information and banter would be far poorer without digital imaging.