From the Administrator


Staff member
Hi Members
Just to let you know I am knee deep in plumbing materials and tiles while we refit the bathroom and all being well I will be back with more picture quizzes at the weekend, at the moment we are having to travel to the public loo's but with luck our loo will be in working order tonight, Terry
Hi Members
Just to let you know I am knee deep in plumbing materials and tiles while we refit the bathroom and all being well I will be back with more picture quizzes at the weekend, at the moment we are having to travel to the public loo's but with luck our loo will be in working order tonight, Terry
how is it going now
Once upon a time, long, long ago, I did design, demolition, and painting/decoration. I left the carpentry, plumbing, and electric wiring to the pros, though. That was my first house, in the early 80s. Now, my hands are so arthritic that I doubt if I could hold a pry bar securely, so for my second (current) house, I left it all to the pros, moving out to a long-term lodging motel for the first six weeks of the job.

My contractor was a real trooper. He worked days, evenings, and weekends to finish the full bath on the second floor, so I could move back into the house, even though the make-shift kitchen was still set up in the living room.
Being unceremoniously ejected from Woodwork and Metalwork at school my credentials for all things DIY were defined so as the Dragons in Dragons Den would say "Sorry but I'm out" :)