George Chakiris


Dedicated Member
George Chakiris guest starred as the director (?) in the disappointing special Extra, Extra.

Never heard of him before, but later realised he was a singer, dancer, actor in America.

It seems his appearance in LOTSW was his last work.

What I can't understand is the man is very nearly 80, and still looks so young.

Do you think he played a good part in LOTSW, or would you have cast someone else?
George Chakiris guest starred as the director (?) in the disappointing special Extra, Extra.

Never heard of him before, but later realised he was a singer, dancer, actor in America.

It seems his appearance in LOTSW was his last work.

What I can't understand is the man is very nearly 80, and still looks so young.

Do you think he played a good part in LOTSW, or would you have cast someone else?

Rather shocked at his age but I don't really see anyone else playing the part. I'm not a huge fan of Extra Extra but I do watch it because there are a few good one liners in it and I like the beginning scene.

I've just Googled him, he's quite the career and worked along side so great people.
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Thought George Chakiris adequate for the part. He was obviously somewhat over the hill by then and had slipped down from the heights of his career when in such as in West Side Story and 633 Squadron. By then he should not have cost to much to entice across the pond. I suppose the part needed an American and others would have cost far more. It may have been noted that I have a major complaint against the BBC with its tendency to pay excessive amounts to inadequate talent.

I certainly cannot think of anyone else who would have made a significant improvement.

Extra! Extra! was not a great episode but good on Roy Clarke for trying something a wee bit different (as he did also in a way with Welcome to Earth).
Thought George Chakiris adequate for the part. He was obviously somewhat over the hill by then and had slipped down from the heights of his career when in such as in West Side Story and 633 Squadron. By then he should not have cost to much to entice across the pond. I suppose the part needed an American and others would have cost far more. It may have been noted that I have a major complaint against the BBC with its tendency to pay excessive amounts to inadequate talent.

I certainly cannot think of anyone else who would have made a significant improvement.

Extra! Extra! was not a great episode but good on Roy Clarke for trying something a wee bit different (as he did also in a way with Welcome to Earth).

I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that George did it has a favour to someone for something!
Am I the only member who actually doesn't mind Extra Extra. Ha Ha.

Perhaps, Amos. I didn't like Extra, Extra mostly for the cheap attempt at a laugh when no villager was fazed by the appearance of these characters roaming their town. As if it happened every day. To me Hamilton playing the role doesn't really matter because he really didn't interact with the others, except Wesley a little bit.
Perhaps, Amos. I didn't like Extra, Extra mostly for the cheap attempt at a laugh when no villager was fazed by the appearance of these characters roaming their town. As if it happened every day. To me Hamilton playing the role doesn't really matter because he really didn't interact with the others, except Wesley a little bit.

My favourite bit in Extra, Extra is near the beginning. It's where Clegg is asked for directions.

Yes I like that bit too, he complains that he once sent someone to Lancashire, what makes me laugh is some of the cast come from Lancashire :D
Yes I like that bit too, he complains that he once sent someone to Lancashire, what makes me laugh is some of the cast come from Lancashire :D

I noticed, think on Facebook, that someone thought them looking at a train sadly was because it was possibly going to London. Actually that bit was filmed at MArsden and the train would have been heading towards Manchester!

As Cleggy once said when told that on a clear day you could see all the way into Lancashire "there's always a snag."
I am one of those (or perhaps the only one) that doesn't care for either "Full Steam Behind "or "Extra, Extra". I like the episodes that just appear to be a life in the day - Yorkshire style.
No Nora you're not the only one, I will watch Extra Extra because it has some good one liners but its not one a seek out to watch.
No Nora you're not the only one, I will watch Extra Extra because it has some good one liners but its not one a seek out to watch.

For me, it starts out funny, but the scenes at the "filming" site just aren't very amusing. And every time I watch that episode, I'm bored by Compo's production number with the children. I'll watch the episode for the one-liners at the beginning, but for the most part it falls flat for me.
