Getting in and Out


Staff member
I have noticed that when the trio are going to get in or out of a vehicle like Wesley's land rover and they are getting in the back, they are seen either getting in or out, then the scene is either cut, to show them in or out, I expect due to age they had to be helped, many times they just start as if to climb in,then the next shot they are in the back
When Edie is driving they can all get out unassisted and sharpish , although sometimes I imagine they have no control over it and could at any time be unwittingly thrown out ! :13:
Agree about Range Rovers a friend has one and I nearly fell out the first time I went out with him !
I have seen them successfully, although from afar (doubles?) climb into the back by scrambling up onto the back wheel on the side of the truck.

And speaking of Wesley and the Land Rover, in the one about the mobile hot dog grill there are some dramatic smoke and fire effects with foot-high flames shooting out of the grill. At the very end of the episode, Wesley drives off and you would expect to see the foot-high flames shooting up but instead there's just a lot of smoke. Then he stops at that intersection where everyone is gathered and this is when the burners are lit and foot-high flames shoot up. I'm sure that the production's special effects person had intensive coordination with the local fire department when these scenes were shot.
Speaking of that episode you see Tom and I think Clegg biting into a hot dog roll. I assume that you see Wesley take the scorched and charred hot dogs from the grill and put them in the bun , then the director calls cut and the catering team bring in some edible hot dog rolls for them to eat in the shot . We, of course, only see the final scene , my inquisitive mind wonders how many takes it took to get that shot especially if someone fluffed their lines or the grill failed to operate and they had to re-shoot .
I too have noticed this. Often wondered why Hobo insisted on using the back tire for a step instead of going over the tailgate. I just figured that they did the cut scenes skipping them getting on / off the truck to expedite the flow of the story due to keeping within time restraints of the show. Got to make room for more commercials :15:. Had not really thought about them getting older and not being able to climb in the back which makes sense or using doubles. Maybe that is why Cleggy and Truly started sitting up front more while the younger ones like Tom, Alvin and Billy rode in the back.
Rick ,

Given the Emoji you used I guess you are not a fan of Commercials, please do not concern yourself. Being made for the BBC our beloved show was made as a whole episode, the BEEB do not have commercial breaks in their shows . However, when the show is now broadcast on UK Gold and Drama they have crudely chopped the show in two, to fit in commercials, with the breaks in transmission at the strangest points in the story.

With further reference to my last post about the number of takes needed to complete a shot , The Thing in Wesley's Shed is currently showing and there is a scene where the ladies are in the Cafe having tea and cakes [chocolate eclairs to be precise] and the gag about doing everything in a synchronised manner [usually drinking their coffee] has been given a twist.

In this scene they all eat the cakes in sync . I wonder how many chocolate eclairs they got through before they got the perfect shot . If one of the Ladies had a sweet tooth , actress or no actress, I can imagine that they would deliberately messed up the scene just to ensure they got more cakes ! :)
Rick ,

Given the Emoji you used I guess you are not a fan of Commercials, please do not concern yourself. Being made for the BBC our beloved show was made as a whole episode, the BEEB do not have commercial breaks in their shows . However, when the show is now broadcast on UK Gold and Drama they have crudely chopped the show in two, to fit in commercials, with the breaks in transmission at the strangest points in the story.

With further reference to my last post about the number of takes needed to complete a shot , The Thing in Wesley's Shed is currently showing and there is a scene where the ladies are in the Cafe having tea and cakes [chocolate eclairs to be precise] and the gag about doing everything in a synchronised manner [usually drinking their coffee] has been given a twist.

In this scene they all eat the cakes in sync . I wonder how many chocolate eclairs they got through before they got the perfect shot . If one of the Ladies had a sweet tooth , actress or no actress, I can imagine that they would deliberately messed up the scene just to ensure they got more cakes ! :)

When the shows are shown on the UK Brand TV channels which is part owned by the BBC, the BBC make a revenue from the advertising, this is from a show which was paid for by the licence payer in the first place, I think it would be fair for the BBC to reduce the licence cost by any money made from advertising, I think it is very naughty to make programs using public money, then give the shows to themselves as a independant company FOC, make money from advertising and give nothing back
When the shows are shown on the UK Brand TV channels which is part owned by the BBC, the BBC make a revenue from the advertising, this is from a show which was paid for by the licence payer in the first place, I think it would be fair for the BBC to reduce the licence cost by any money made from advertising, I think it is very naughty to make programs using public money, then give the shows to themselves as a independant company FOC, make money from advertising and give nothing back

You did not seriously think the BBC would ever play fair?
It appears they still have some heavy hitters on the payroll they seem incapable of getting rid of presumably because their agents have tied Auntie into high paid contracts looking no further than Graham Norton who earns £2.5 Million and I am astonished how , because from a talent perspective he is somewhat limited and a one trick pony in my opinion . Others include Huw Edwards, Fiona Bruce, John Humphrys and Jeremy Vine even though they do host other shows three of them are essentially newsreaders whilst Jeremy Vine is on Radio 2 and about to present a revamped Crimewatch. Man, his Agent is someone you'd want on your side in a contract negotiation . All of which perhaps explains why they may be hanging onto any money they get from the UKTV venture .