
IS this a trick question Terry?? :me: You're asking for one of the ladies(I E Pearl) to come back to you with ..............She was always working , she was a housewife!! :12: :29:
IS this a trick question Terry?? :me: You're asking for one of the ladies(I E Pearl) to come back to you with ..............She was always working , she was a housewife!! :12: :29:

Glenda inferred she worked in at least one episode,but where was it and what was she doing
IS this a trick question Terry?? :me: You're asking for one of the ladies(I E Pearl) to come back to you with ..............She was always working , she was a housewife!! :12: :29:

Fancy providing Pearl with the ammunition to shoot you down Dick. Anyway Terry I didn`t know she had a proper job. Or did she?
She worked in an office with a man that liked silver nail polish!

What ever floats your boat!! :whisper:

AND.......... I didn't marry a house. :unhappy: I married, what I thought was a closet millionaire!! Boy did I get that wrong :02:

She worked in an office with a man that liked silver nail polish!

What ever floats your boat!! :whisper:

AND.......... I didn't marry a house. :unhappy: I married, what I thought was a closet millionaire!! Boy did I get that wrong :02:


Well done Pearl I wonder how many people spotted that,not sure if it was the only time she mention's work
She worked in an office with a man that liked silver nail polish!

What ever floats your boat!! :whisper:

AND.......... I didn't marry a house. :unhappy: I married, what I thought was a closet millionaire!! Boy did I get that wrong :02:


Here I thought you'd come out fighting for the sisterhood:16: I was right!!:32::32:
I think Glenda harboured a yearning for speed there are a couple of episodes where Glenda rides a motorbike to dissuade Barrie from conquering his mid life crisis, by amongst other things riding a powered scooter straight into the river . In the other Glenda manages to prise the car keys from Barrie's gripping hand and drives Tom and Nora at great speed .

Her potential career as a Racing or Rally Driver would have been short lived however had Glenda been taught to drive by her mum Edie!
Speaking of ripping the car keys away from someone, I thought that it was really strange that Glenda always sat sedately in the left-hand seat and endured her mother's driving even when she went down the railroad tracks. I'm sure that at one time or another we've all been riding shotgun and become really alarmed at the driver's poor driving habits.
Actually my Mam could give Edie a run for her money well into double figures before passing her test endless tales I could relate ,as a taster called the AA to a local garage because she did not know how to use the air pump to blow her tyres up .

On another occasion my father , their best friends and her were returning from a meal when she got a puncture , ushered my father and her friend's husband out of the car telling them to go further down the road and wait as it did not look very good calling the AA if there were two men in the car who couldn't change a tyre [my father and his friend did not drive] .

AA turned up changed the tyre Mam and her friend the set off sailed past my father and her friends husband leaving them sitting on a wall claiming that as the AA man was following behind she could not stop eventually came back some 45 minutes when the AA man turned off the road they were travelling on.
Actually my Mam could give Edie a run for her money well into double figures before passing her test endless tales I could relate ,as a taster called the AA to a local garage because she did not know how to use the air pump to blow her tyres up .

On another occasion my father , their best friends and her were returning from a meal when she got a puncture , ushered my father and her friend's husband out of the car telling them to go further down the road and wait as it did not look very good calling the AA if there were two men in the car who couldn't change a tyre [my father and his friend did not drive] .

AA turned up changed the tyre Mam and her friend the set off sailed past my father and her friends husband leaving them sitting on a wall claiming that as the AA man was following behind she could not stop eventually came back some 45 minutes when the AA man turned off the road they were travelling on.
