God Bless


Dedicated Member
God Bless all the people involved in the fight against this terrible disease. Special thoughts go out to the doctors and nurses who daily risk their lives to go into the special isolation wards. We owe such a lot to those people. Millions of people the world over are occupied in some way or other to help those of us who have difficulty helping ourselves. We all have the same desire and that is to see the bitter end of this war. God Bless you all.
Glad to hear from you Peri hope you and "The Boss" are safe and well and Mrs Peri isn't giving you too much earache . Its hard to comprehend how everyone's world has turned upside down in a matter of weeks . There are stories of dedication and such heroism mixed with untold sadness people passing away alone without their loving families being able to say goodbye . Stay safe my friend !
Glad to hear from you Peri hope you and "The Boss" are safe and well and Mrs Peri isn't giving you too much earache . Its hard to comprehend how everyone's world has turned upside down in a matter of weeks . There are stories of dedication and such heroism mixed with untold sadness people passing away alone without their loving families being able to say goodbye . Stay safe my friend !
We are both safe Captain. I could see what was going to happen so we self isolated in February. How are things with you?
Fine Peri so so lucky I have a garden .I feel for those without any space like those on the News in Tower Hamlets at the weekend ,. The largest number of Tower Blocks in the Capital are in Tower Hamlets and because a number of selfish people invaded the local Victoria Park, the only real place to enjoy a break in that area from being cooped up in a high rise was closed for two or three weeks and only opened again this weekend. I have plenty of entertaining things to do some of which I posted on another thread . I am so please Mrs P and yourself are well, long may it stay that way take care and stay well :)