Going Going Gone


Staff member
The last bank in Holmfirth (Barclays) is closing soon, leaving Holmfirth with no banks, so off to Huddersfield you must go to do any banking
Oh geez, just today I had trouble with my card because they didn't recognize a purchase I made and blocked it (first time shopping on that site) and I had to actually go to the bank and get it straightened out because I couldn't fix it on my app. Luckily there is a bank here in Calhoun Falls, otherwise I would have had to drive 15 minutes to get to the one in Abbeville. I definitely feel bad for the ones losing their bank. I do pretty much everything online and very rarely go to the bank but there are some things you have to go to the bank for.
On a lighter but similar note Milton Jones told a joke that his friend in an area near me used to keep his money under a mattress but he was recently robbed he never suspected that someone would climb over the garden wall , lift the mattress and steal it! It got a great laugh but some people in the front row were late in so he apologised said they hadn't missed much and told the same story again !!! :mad:

I don't for one minute think Milton was familiar with my area but he either passed it on his way to the gig or maybe someone in his Hotel had mentioned living in the area. :)
I used to get $US royalty cheques in post (If they did a bank transfer they charged $30 and I was giving away my bank details to who knows who!) - so I had to go to a branch to pay them in, you can't pay in non-UK currency at a machine (perhaps you might in London). Then my local branch went "machine only" no counter, so I'd need to travel in to the city to pay in. However, coincidentally, the royalty period ended, so I was saved a regular journey to the city.
Not with non-sterling cheques ... it's much more complicated!
US point of view: I'd have to drive to a major metropolitan area 100 miles north of my home to cash a foreign currency check or to exchange any currency for US $s. When traveling, I do the currency exchange using my debit card at the first cash machine I come to after landing in the country I'm visiting, usually in baggage claim.

For major banking transactions, like refinancing my mortgage, I'd have to visit my Credit Union for the preliminary work, then visit a local lawyer's office for signing.