Hacking Warning


Staff member
On a daily basis I see attempts to hack into the forum,many of these are from countries that once spotted are easy to block and stop them without the worry of blocking a genuine member,more recently there has been a surge of attempts from severs in the USA plus some parts of Europe,and this can be harder to make the decision to block future access,as a forum member may be on their travels.

My main concern is if the forum does get hacked it will cause untold damage,I have invested more of my money on a auto daily back up of the forum,but this could still take time to restore and no doubt later postings will be lost.

So what I need all members to do is to make sure they have my real email contact address, if you do not have it send me a private message and I will reply with the email address,also you could ask other members for their email address,this way if for some reason you do get blocked,by this I mean you will not be able to see the website or forum,you can contact me or someone else to contact me,stating you are blocked,you will need to explain what has happened and what your ip address is along with your user name,if you use this website http://www.whatismyip.com/ it will tell you your ip address at the top of the page,some ip address do change each time you log on,but it will be within a set range,so it would be a good idea to check yours and make a note of it, if you change internet providers your ip address will change.

Thanks for your help with this matter,better safe than sorry
I am friends with 1 forum member on Facebook, but I will PM you my email address then if you email me yours I'll keep it. Thank you for taking so much care to keeping this site in good shape we do aprisiate your hard work.
I'm sure if we all chipped in it wouldn't be much, I'd be happy to share any cost.
Hi All

Thanks for all the donation offers, some of you helped out earlier this year using the paypal link on bottom of the main website page,any donation is a great help and I will possibly be passing the cap around again in 3 months time, Terry
i dont message very often but i felt i had to say how saddening it is that people should want to hack into what is a harmless family site...i'll certainly contribute terry when you pass the hat around again.
Wow, all this talk of hacking had me real worried. Looked at my email this morning. Got notification that an email had failed to get delivered to someone to whom I send semi-regular. Went to check his address - alarm and despondency! Told my Address Book is EMPTY! This is not funny! Much relief when shutting down my email provider and browser and reopening restored my address list.

More relevant (one tries spasmodically), talk of password for this site, I never seem to have to use one. I stay permanently logged in. This is most convenient but I do wonder if it makes for good security. (And means I have to struggle to remember applicable password).
More relevant (one tries spasmodically), talk of password for this site, I never seem to have to use one. I stay permanently logged in. This is most convenient but I do wonder if it makes for good security. (And means I have to struggle to remember applicable password).

I do the same Big Unc, maybe we shouldn't but like you I have trouble remembering what password belongs to what!
:D A bit "belt and braces " maybe , but i've started keeping a small notebook locked in the cupboard next to my p c . This has a copy of all my passwords " just in case" ::) Lets hope I dont lose the key :o ;D ;D
:D A bit "belt and braces " maybe , but i've started keeping a small notebook locked in the cupboard next to my p c . This has a copy of all my passwords " just in case" ::) Lets hope I dont lose the key :o ;D ;D

Dick, I'd lose the cupboard! :o
I have been using this little free piece of software http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/ which does a great job of storing all your passwords,so all you need is 1 good secure password and the info is stored on your computer, not one of these cloud based services which could easily be hacked
I have been using this little free piece of software http://passwordsafe.sourceforge.net/ which does a great job of storing all your passwords,so all you need is 1 good secure password and the info is stored on your computer, not one of these cloud based services which could easily be hacked

I do get this provided with my Internet Security software but I suppose one could fret that it is a cloud based system. (I think - I know I have to open Internet Explorer to get it). Probably no use with passwords for non-internet files on my PC).
In the next few days I am modifying the blocked user list, it will be done on bulk and mainly countries that keep making attempts to hack the forum,so please make sure you do have some way of contacting me by email,as if this goes wrong in anyway,you will not be able to even see the forum

The major nuisance countries are now blocked,there will be more I suspect,so I will keep a close eye on things,but already I have seen a lot less hack and join attempts,Terry