Thank you everyone, it seems that 54th birthday is a 3 day event, it started on the 5th with cards and presents and I was awoken yesterday with texts from a couple of the grandkids wishing me a happy birthday eve! ( Please tell me that's not a "Thing" now :13:, if Hallmark cotton on to that we'll all be poorer) Then today my Facebook as exploded with messages and thus far I've received a Dryrob and chocolates.

And a happy birthday from me - although already said that on FB but repeating myself here

but repeating myself here

but repeating myself here

but repeating myself here

but repeating myself here
Terry, I'm as good as gold me! And they never turned up :cry2:

Yes what john said, a Dryrobe is like a huge baggy coat, you can stand in a field with it on and tuck your arms in and undress and get changed after an OCR, there is believe it or not a knicker pocket, where you place your clean knickers! They've thought of everything, it helps keep hypothermia at bay whilst maintaining your dignity. :12:
Did not occur to me that you were talking about a new coat when you said Dryrob. Sounds very like a very handy piece of gear by the way you describe it.. The definition that popped up on my search was a dry Rob Roy cocktail. Which also sounded pretty good. Never had one, so was not sure how they went with the chocolates you got. Seems like a good way to start things off. :29: