Happy Bunny here.

Brian Johns

Dedicated Member
:01::17::18:My youngest son (and he is 30+ :08: ) is visiting England, Scotland etc. He is not a devotee of our show but as he was going to be in the area I asked him to drop in to Sid's Café.

Even though the live webcam was playing up, his mother and I saw him going into Sid's. Even got some screen captures..not good quality but still... We are very happy bunnies. The little sod even had a cuppa in Sid's.

I am JEALOUS!!!! Wanted to go myself but ongoing medical treatment for the big C has stopped me this year, but it looks like I am going to be OK in the long term so maybe NEXT year!

Yahhhhhh :03:;)
So pleased your son made your day for you and lets hope you can make the trip yourself next year Brian
Thanks everyone for the nice comments! N02 son is now on his way to spend some time in Scotland (where I came from MANY moons ago!) :p

I'll be there in a couple of weeks too. Where is he going?

My daughter spent her honeymoon in Holmfirth, a far cry from my honeymoon in Skeggy!
Hi Pearl. I don't know his exact itinery but I expect he will definitely be visiting several distilleries :08:. He is on his own and just generally going where he feels like I think. He tends to keep himself to himself which is one reason I was so happy to see him on the webcam. He is over there for about another 2 weeks all up. He was on the Isle of Man before going to Holmfirth and Huddersfield. He wanted to ride a motorbike around the TT track there (NOT racing).
We are not too worried about him, he travels a bit for his work so is used to being in a strange country, he is also fairly solid and the holder of a 3rd Dan Black belt in Karate so he can look after himself if necessary.
He had better come back with stories and photos or he is in for trouble here; also it is a milestone birthday for his mother next week which he will miss, so she will tear him to pieces if he comes back empty handed! :15::21:
He May be a karate champ but his mother can still shred him when she feels like it !:29::46: Heheheeee
I have just returned from a break Brian and seen the post really nice for your son and so so pleased for you that your health is showing a marked improvement , chin up and positive attitude that man! :)
Thanks for all the good wishes, but wasn't looking for sympathy, was just happy and needed to post. I am going to be basically OK and have already been told that if I wanted sympathy
I can find it in the dictionary between sh*t and syphilis!:18: ( Wives!! can't live with them...can't shoot them! LOL.........................JOKE!!!!!!!!!!! been married 36 years wouldn't be without her, who else would put up with me! LOL)

Genuinely grateful for the good wishes but really not necessary, lots more people a LOT worse of than me could use them more!

I am sure he will also enjoy Scotland, such lovely scenery and once you get away from the major cities it can be very peaceful, I am sure he will come back with some great stories all the about the British barmpots
Thought I would just update this thread. No2 son has returned home safely and had a great time in "Blighty" He came around today and brought a few (3000) photos that he had taken, mostly in Scotland.
He did a guided bus tour of Scotland and so saw places that he wouldn't have necessarily seen if he just drove himself.

He brought me back a tea towel from Sid's Café! (Yaaay).

He did his own thing while in England, including spending some time on the Isle of Man, where he hired a motorbike and did several laps of the TT course. He even told me what max speed he got to on one speed-limit free part.
I will not elaborate except to say an Airbus 380 gets airborne at a lesser speed.:12:

Nice pictures and great to hear what a good time he has had, oh and what is the take off speed of a Airbus 380