Have you noticed this


Staff member
You order something online, and shortly after it arrives you get some sort of survey on how it all went, or how was the driver, I even had one from the hospital within 24 hours of getting home, as if they are constantly looking for praise.
I don't really feel the need for this as at the end of the day they are just doing what they are paid to do, only time I would contact a company is if there was a problem with my order, or if they went above and beyond what I expected and in either case needing telling.
I ordered some items from Ikea, they sent a survey of around 30 questions they wanted answers to, I have better things to do with my time.
You order something online, and shortly after it arrives you get some sort of survey on how it all went, or how was the driver, I even had one from the hospital within 24 hours of getting home, as if they are constantly looking for praise.
I don't really feel the need for this as at the end of the day they are just doing what they are paid to do, only time I would contact a company is if there was a problem with my order, or if they went above and beyond what I expected and in either case needing telling.
I ordered some items from Ikea, they sent a survey of around 30 questions they wanted answers to, I have better things to do with my time.
I'm only filling those in if they have a prize draw to pay me back for the product I bought!
My former employer had fully climbed onto the quality bandwagon, so nearly every move anyone made was followed by a survey. It didn't take long to get surveyed out. Now I get one from each medical and surgical specialist I see, and from the hospital each time I've been a patient. The only service providers that haven't followed up with a survey have been the two nursing homes, whom I would like to have really panned!
On the other hand, I always give good marks as I am of the opinion that the first line person whose job may be affected by my opinion needs all the help that can be given.
I'm the same, occasionally I get contacted by marketing companies wanting me to complete surveys. I ask them how much I'll be paid for my time as I know for a fact they then sell the data to companies I normally get a response in true Yorkshire style - Nowt!
I generally give feedback as I use it when researching online purchases.
Most of my grocery shopping is done online as I hate shopping, I've been using a couple of suppliers since 2018 when I was housebound for a year. Iceland in particular send emails via Feefo for ratings on their items which I usually ignore but one time last year I was moved to comment on the 1.3kg box of broken biscuits they sell, ideal for me as it absolves me from having to choose.
My comment was that there was a great assortment of biscuits but sometimes the quality control is suspect. Quite often there is a very high percentage of biscuits that are unbroken so I have to break them myself!
It's on their website.:D