Hello - sorry for absence :(


Dedicated Member
Hello everybody, I must apologise for being absent for a long time since I was admitted to the forum in February this year. Truth is, I felt a bit shy after realizing what a goldfish type memory I had when it came to episode plots and names (having been totally obsessed by locations during my first re-watch didn't help!) Still, I continue to enjoy my DVDs of Last of the Summer Wine - such great entertainment as opposed to a lot of the stuff on TV these days - and a perfect way to relax and digest one's food after mealtimes. Am currently enjoying series 16 - think the period after Foggy returned to the show is my favourite era.
Nice to see you back,we all enjoy being here for many reasons, I also love tracking down locations
Don't be shy, we don't bite, it doesn't matter if you dont remember details, half of us are standing the kitchen most of the day trying to remember what we came in for!
Welcome back JB no need to be shy we all have times when the old grey matter doesn't function . The membership I am sure is populated by people who at some point were in that position . I have been trying to persuade a shy friend of mine to join, as I was saying only the other day to Coconut.......... :08::)
Hey JB, you don't have to be a major letter writer, just talk about anything. Tell us what you had for breakfast, what are your plans for the day, do you have pets, anything. Just chat. I write a lot of gibberish but it makes me feel good because I am communicating. You will soon get into the swing of things. Tell us, do you have a garden?
Thank you maltrab, onyx(John), Pearl, Captain Clutterbuck and Peripheral!

Peri - I do have a fairly small garden, mainly bushes at the front with a wee bit of grass, more grass, some bushes and flowers at the back. I used to feed the little birds at the front but 2 neighbours did not like it so had to stop :(
Thank you maltrab, onyx(John), Pearl, Captain Clutterbuck and Peripheral!

Peri - I do have a fairly small garden, mainly bushes at the front with a wee bit of grass, more grass, some bushes and flowers at the back. I used to feed the little birds at the front but 2 neighbours did not like it so had to stop :(
JB, you don't have to stop feeding the birds because your neighbours don't like it. We had a similar problem and they even had someone call from the council to inspect our garden and the feeders. The chap was impressed with our set up and wanted to know what to do to attract such a variety of birds that we have. He wanted to change his own set up so that he could attract more birds. He informed the neighbours that our set up was well within the limitations and that there was no reason to stop us from feeding them. We are members of the RSPB. Your neighbours cannot stop you from feeding them. We also have about six squirrels that come to feed every day. Keep in touch. Peri.
JBCat do not worry about what you write , I have the record at the moment for the largest number of posts . I will keep posting if something tickles my frivolous muscle , but continue to read every ones posts anyway. My daughter is RSPB but was told by neighbours it was attracting rats. Did it stop her? Did it heck ! :03:
Welcome back JBCat. Please, there is no need to feel shy around this bunch. They are a friendly lot and love to share anything Summer Wine related. It is a great place to learn and re-remember the show.
Hi - haha Peri I am dropping a line, but fishing at night, like Howard planned to do in one episode. I do tend to be a night owl, and not at all a morning person.
Thanks to Peri and dick for the advice on birds. I do take on board what you are saying but...there are other factors here, as there is a heavily wooded area across the road from where I live and birds of prey nest there. My immediate neighbor has a pigeon loft to rival Wally's and is concerned about attracting hawks, etc into the vicinity in search of easy prey. I miss seeing the wood pigeons, collared doves and the numerous little birds but don't want to stir up trouble.
Thanks RickAns too for the welcome back, you are certainly right in that this is a great place to learn (I love the Summerwine map!)