
Not many looked at your map and in the area of the Butcher's there is only the location where Foggy was kissed by Marina in Brushes at Dawn and where Compo came to rest in Stop the Bath and bothe are really obscured.
Not many looked at your map and in the area of the Butcher's there is only the location where Foggy was kissed by Marina in Brushes at Dawn and where Compo came to rest in Stop the Bath and bothe are really obscured.
There is a least 2 more but not on the map
Something happened involving Foggy down where the two cars are parked at the bottom of the image, a red car and a dark colored car
I believe it was in a Moonlit Junkyard. Howard was out "jogging" and Foggy tells him to get a rhythm going and stick to it, then he was nearly run over by Babs's motorbike.
Okay the one I was looking for and I cannot recall the episode title, Foggy was stopped by a man doing a survey, the chap ask him his profession and Foggy replied trained killer, Foggy is looking over this wall and told the chap he would keep him safe, then went into his war stories rant, off course when Foggy looks round the chap has vanished