
amos hames

Dedicated Member
A costume worn by Judy Garland in the wizard of oz sold for a lot of money this weekend as did a racing jacket worn by Steve Mcqueen if you could own any peice of film memorabillia either costumes or props or even vechicles what would you choose.Your comments please. :)
A costume worn by Judy Garland in the wizard of oz sold for a lot of money this weekend as did a racing jacket worn by Steve Mcqueen if you could own any peice of film memorabillia either costumes or props or even vechicles what would you choose.Your comments please. :)

A Aston Martin DB4 as used by James Bond
Seymour's cottage - I am quite happy on my own!

And Wally's motor cycle combination - but on my own!
As mentioned above, one of Clegg's flat caps, Compo's green knit hat (the later sage green one), and of course Compo's matchbox so we could finally see what was inside! ;D


Flat Cap
Just to add...my ultimate prop from any movie, TV series, etc. is the Maltese Falcon. One of the original lead birds, but one of the resin copies would be fine too. The few that have been found have sold for big bucks at auctions.

Nice little article for the resin copy that Leonardo Di Caprio bid on: [url http://acn.liveauctioneers.com/index.php/auctions/auction-results/3212-dicaprio-and-billionaire-rahr-place-top-bid-for-maltese-falcon-statuette][/url]

Mind you, that's a resin copy of one of the two lead birds created for the movie. :o
I am not a big movie person so I can't think of any movie memorabillia.

When it comes to Summer Wine, I will have to think about it (perhaps Enwhistle's truck, although thats pretty big.

Perhaps the Gnome in Gnome and Away. That epsiode showed a bunch of gnomes in the end. I wander where they are now. I would actually place it outside my house.

In another comdey classic, The Moose Head in Fawlty Towers' "The Germans" episode comes to mind!!!!
i would love to own wesleys brown landrover....i have searched and searched to try and find owners of summer wine vehicles with no luck....i love dads army too and have located a number of their vehicles... :)
A a child i used to enjoy the A.Team so i would have BA BARACUS gmc van with the red stripe or Starskys ford grand torino.Talking about Summerwine'Cod it would be funny to have one of those gnomes along as its not singing like in the episode.
Oh no Amos if I had one it would need to be the singing one, I'd put in the garden and drive the neighbours mad for a change :)