Holmfirth camera.


Dedicated Member
The camera outside the cafe is not functioning correctly. It is supposed to update every ten seconds. It doesn't and hasn't for at least three days now.
Whilst on the subject of 'updating', may I say that I always thought that that word, 'updating', was akin to having a picnic with the love of your life on the top of Mount Everest. :fp:
The camera outside the cafe is not functioning correctly. It is supposed to update every ten seconds. It doesn't and hasn't for at least three days now.
Whilst on the subject of 'updating', may I say that I always thought that that word, 'updating', was akin to having a picnic with the love of your life on the top of Mount Everest. :fp:

Yes, I noticed that. Thought it was just me.
The camera outside the cafe is not functioning correctly. It is supposed to update every ten seconds. It doesn't and hasn't for at least three days now.
Whilst on the subject of 'updating', may I say that I always thought that that word, 'updating', was akin to having a picnic with the love of your life on the top of Mount Everest. :fp:
The picnic is a nice thought; BUT you and your lovely are climbing the mountain -- departing at 4:00 AM and spending a mere 15 minutes celebrating (no time for a leisurely picnic), and then leaving immediately so as to reach base camp before it gets dark. As a note, everyone focuses on getting to the top and few actually think about getting back down; more problems occur on the way down. But rather, I recommend a romantic picnic on Ben Nevis. The weather hopefully would be much better, and you're not encased in arctic-type parkas. And you have lots of time to spread the tablecloth and get out the sandwiches and drinks.
Just looked there's a very very long articulated lorry parked in the layby and it has Tom-Tom-Tom-Tompk-Tompkinssssssons-Tradit- Traditio-Traditional- T-T-T-T-T-Trea-Treacle-T-T-T-T-Toff-Toffee on the side looks like Arkwright sold the recipe and trademark on , thankfully the toffee last longer in the mouth than it takes Arkwright to say it .
If you switch off momentarily and then back on again, things will have changed. A bit like marriage really. o_O
If you switch off momentarily and then back on again

Ah the answer to 99% of IT issues with laptops, PC's , tablets . I imagine Knowhow support staff utter the phrase "have you tried turning it off and on again" several times a day [as do Virgin Tivo box support people speaking from experience :mad:]