Holmfirth Christmas Lights 2017

This may sound a somewhat "Scrooge like comment" but despite this being clearly a lovely family event and something repeated around the our towns and villages, I personally would be delighted with the parade only and would rather we skip the street decorations , not because I am anti-Christmas , I just think the money could be better spent. Food banks are more prevalent than ever across the country and it is heartbreaking to see people struggling to make ends meet .

I saw the perfect example on Friday when I was in a Supermarket Cafe and an old Gentlemen was helping himself to the free condiments, quite clearly for use at home , by dropping them into his shopping bag . I only know this because he was only having a coffee and no meal , please be sure he was not what you would class as a "Chancer" he clearly was struggling to buy salt/pepper/sauce . Even prior to that on the next Till to me there was an old couple and what they were buying in terms of content genuinely upset me, 90 +% of which was reduced produce . I would have happily paid for both of them for a treat but stopped short to save any embarrassment .

The cost of the decorations and the power to light them would offer people like those you see country wide some sort of relief from the financial burden of just feeding themselves .:(
I hear what you are saying captain.

Tis the season of giving and hopefully the lights, decorations and other festivities will encourage more people to be generous to those in need. That is my hope anyway and that is how I would like to view it. If it helps others to become 'Good Samaritans' to more people than they usually would have then I think it is worth it.

Mentioning Good Samaritans reminded me.... I recently watched some episodes of Thora Hird in Hallelujah! A nice, funny show and a joy to watch more of Thora. I know little of the Salvation Army other than that they did good deeds and had the kettles out in front of stores for the Holidays. I'm sure they took some liberties with the screen writing, but was the show fairly accurate about the 'Sally Ann' for that era?