Holmfirth webcam

You know the ink blot tests you take when they ask what you see, well my first glance at this immediately made me think Nora in one of her outrageous hats the shape is there but clearly those craggy features are not in view.
I have probably missed it somewhere but why does the holmfirth web cam not work any more?
Probably because nobody has sent a screen shot of the current, days-old, image to the café owner's Facebook Message page. Ordinarily, I'd do it, but he's probably fed up with hearing from me.
Probably because nobody has sent a screen shot of the current, days-old, image to the café owner's Facebook Message page. Ordinarily, I'd do it, but he's probably fed up with hearing from me.
I was in the cafe yesterday, I should've mentioned it between my Earl Grey and Rocky Road :p
By not working I mean the 10 second forward. There is a picture but does not forward after 10 seconds. lasting sometimes for a couple days
The 10-second refresh is not working big time! The same image has been up for at least 48 hours.
I would oblige quite happily Marianna but I am not on Facebook . I am sure you may be on a Rocky Road if you were to submit a screenshot hopefully another member with access to Facebook may oblige. I decided to screen dump it on the Virtual Huddersfield and mail them , technically they are promoting it so perhaps they will contact the Beattie's owner direct . Let's hope they can help.
I would oblige quite happily Marianna but I am not on Facebook . I am sure you may be on a Rocky Road if you were to submit a screenshot hopefully another member with access to Facebook may oblige. I decided to screen dump it on the Virtual Huddersfield and mail them , technically they are promoting it so perhaps they will contact the Beattie's owner direct . Let's hope they can help.
I've found the contact at Virtual Huddersfield quite resentful and rude about viewers from outside the area using their bandwidth, so I gave up on them. The new owner of Beatties is much more responsive.

This morning, the webcam is working as advertised, after a few days of having been frozen.
That's a surprise Marianna because I logged on at 9.40 ish and then looked a few minutes later and it was still stuck on same pic that's why I screenshot both and sent to them . I did offer a plausible explanation that I hoped they would empathise with but perhaps its just a coincidence that its working .
I've found the contact at Virtual Huddersfield quite resentful and rude about viewers from outside the area using their bandwidth, so I gave up on them. ].
It's disappointing that there's some absolute jobsworths (not sure if that a phrase you're used to in the US?!) around - surely the whole point of a webcam is so people outside the area can view it!!!!!!!
It's disappointing that there's some absolute jobsworths (not sure if that a phrase you're used to in the US?!) around - surely the whole point of a webcam is so people outside the area can view it!!!!!!!
And a lot of folk from over the waters spend their money visiting Holmfirth
And a lot of folk from over the waters spend their money visiting Holmfirth
Me included, up until November 2019. Hope to resume annual 1-week visits in late 2023.

It's disappointing that there's some absolute jobsworths (not sure if that a phrase you're used to in the US?!) around - surely the whole point of a webcam is so people outside the area can view it!!!!!!!
The term isn't used in this region of the US (can't speak for the entire country because it's so diverse), but I understand it anyway. I'm a member of the Holmfirth Facebook group. Once when I referred to the Holmfirth section of the Virtual Huddersfield site, the only response was, "Huh?!!" Apparently, few local folks are aware of it.