House Update #5


Staff member
Been a busy week and a little disaster,we laid all the under floor insulation in one room,then relaid the flooring,a job well done,then realised the TV & network cable was still under the floor, as the flooring is interlocked it is to late to take it all up again,so we have to find another route for those cable,they will be discovered in 100 years time and they will wonder why they were there.

We did find a secret cupboard under the bottom step of the stairs, it seems it was common to have these years ago to hide your valuables, no treasure in this one just the remains of a mouse nest

One of the kitchen walls had to have all the old plaster removed, it was not in a very stable condition,so that was will need re boarding before it is plastered again

Many years ago, the cable man decided that putting a wire around the basement fireplace would be unsightly or so he claimed so he informed me that I had to move the TV on the other side of the living room. I had to put on my Nora Batty hat and firmly inform him that it didn't matter about the placement of the wire and I wasn't about to relocate the TV just to suit him. He ended up doing what I asked and put the wire around the fireplace. I can bring out my Nora Batty hat at moment's notice!!
I hate unsightly wires.

Usually I can fish them down or even accross the brick cavity on an outside wall.