How a Steam Locomotive Works

Funny you should say that Barry, a brief script excerpt from the long believed lost episode "Train of thought" has just been uncovered...

The location is Edie's house, it is coffee morning and as usual the ladies are gathered around putting the world to rights.

Glenda: I hoped he'd have stopped liking Thomas the Tank Engine by now!
Ivy: They can play with worse things than toy trains love.
Pearl: Mine goes for old boilers!
Nora: Now listen Glenda, the men may see themselves as these heavy goods trains getting around doing all the important stuff but if it wasn't for us laying the track for them they'd go nowhere!
Edie: Take it from one who knows, their mind is just like that, they need fuel - who supplies it - us! They need a new destination - who suggests it - us!
Glenda: What if he he wants to go into a tunnel?
Edie: Stoke your tender!