How long will last?

Blue summer

Dedicated Member
I don't log-on to the forum as much as i used to do, although i do check out what's happening at least once a week.
I look upon the site and indeed the forum as an old friend, i pop in for a natter now and then but i must admit, when i first heard the news that the series was being axed, it felt like i had been told that an old mate had died, you know the feeling.

I'm sure that just as when a friend dies, we tend to look back on some of the adventures we had together over the years.
That is probably how i will feel about summer wine and the many actors who have passed on.
John Comer (Sid), was always a favorite of mine, the look on his face was enough to crack me up, it was a sad day when he "retired" from the programme.
Obviously, many of the others were just as entertaining in their own ways, i still miss Billy Hardcastle with his Robin Hood tales and what will we do when Auntie's shop closes for good?

I hope that the forum continues for many more years, Terry has done a grand job with it and made it a brilliant place to keep up to speed with all things Summer Wine.
I was a member of Summerwine online for many years and i was gutted when it came to an end a few years back.
Of course, it's still there but it's not been active for a few years, due to the lack of financial backing, i really hope doesn't go the same way.

George ; )
Longer I hope than some other fan related groupings. I can think of two or three summer wine fora now gone, and also the Summer Wine Appreciation Society - presumably it still exists but has been very quiet for a long while now.

So full marks to Terry for getting it going and maintaing it...
I too was a member of the appreciation society and have not heard anything for years.
I am also a member of the Dads Army Appreciation Society and that is as strong as ever with many events throughout the year. Lets hope at least that can last a while yet .
Speaking of the Appreciation Society, is there any other availability of that Last of the Summer Wine soundtrack CD? What I've seen of it on and I think possibly one time on Amazon, the exchange rate from the UK pound to US dollar is ridiculous. Wondered if there was a cheaper way to get it.
Speaking of the Appreciation Society, is there any other availability of that Last of the Summer Wine soundtrack CD? What I've seen of it on and I think possibly one time on Amazon, the exchange rate from the UK pound to US dollar is ridiculous. Wondered if there was a cheaper way to get it.

Not that sure - the record was produced by RH records - which looks as if it was Ronnie Hazlehurst. It came about from a suggestion of the SWAS ( recall we were asked who was interested as they needed a certain number to make it viable). Dated 1997.

The reference is RH1 5 020679 112120 if that helps