I was surprised


Staff member
Remember when LOSW was coming to an end and they said the main reason was the viewing figures had dropped to around 5 million, the other day I spotted in the press an article about the new season of Game of Thrones which seems to be popular, they were really excited that the viewing figures for the new some was an outstanding 1.5 million,so if this puts it at the top according to the press it seems to me that viewing figures for live TV must be very poor, I'm sure that in it's peak LOSW was hitting 20 million a week.just shows how things change and how standards have really dropped, no wonder LOSW is the most repeated show still on TV
I think that the falling figures has a lot to do with both the
increased number of TV channels as well as the increased
options for streaming/downloading.
There are more channels with less viewers now, when we were kids you sat and watched TV in the evenings, now you can watch TV, play on the XBox, stalk people on the internet or watch DVDs.
It really hit it home to me the other day when in another thread you said you had watched them filming an episode,and it took four hours to film a sequence that was on screen for ten seconds,
Such quality and love of the work,
These days,they prefer to make shows with so called comedians screaming and laughing at each other on a panel,
They can make six of those in a day I once read,
I think that had much more to do with it.
Oh for the days when we could all share common experience of TV the night before.

We got 20 million because there were only two or three channels.
It really hit it home to me the other day when in another thread you said you had watched them filming an episode,and it took four hours to film a sequence that was on screen for ten seconds,
Such quality and love of the work,
These days,they prefer to make shows with so called comedians screaming and laughing at each other on a panel,
They can make six of those in a day I once read,
I think that had much more to do with it.

I watched them filming the sequence where Mr Lucy (jumped) off the bridge and that was a similar thing. Something like 3 hours by the time the doubles had done all the pre timing work and our three heroes had done it for real. All for about 30 seconds. By the way the bridge that was used was specially made because they could not find one anywhere local suitable. Can you believe it. But they did use it in several episodes.
Do you know what episode that was in happyjack ?
Thanks for any answer if you know it,not able to log on for a day or two.