I wonder How long do we Spend


Staff member
Updating devices, so I use a reasonable amount of tech at home, almost every day a device or a piece of software needs updating, and new software that you download from the makers website, once installed needs updating, then you have the apps on smartphones, the more you have the more updates you seem to get
Don't get me started on this, Smart TV's drive me mad not only do you have to wait sometimes to watch your programmes whilst they update, but they're constantly advertising their own content. With my new LG telly you have to click 2 boxes before you can watch ordinary live tv, it will not allow you to default to this when you switch it on!!!!!
No time at all. I threw out my windows laptop because of all the updates, restarts and glitches. I now use a Chromebook and no problems at all. It probably does do updates but it's all in the background, you don't notice it's happening. My TV or phone has never asked me to do an update.
There's so much malware coming out on a daily basis, including new versions all the time, it's just become an aggravating necessity..
Even when my Android tablet is shut off during the night, google backs in through my wireless router, turns on the tablet, and syncs my activity with their cloud. I noticed it in the wee hours one night when I glanced at the tablet, noticed it was on, saw the message 'Sync Complete' then watched the tablet shut down and go black. I keep no personal information in my tablet whatsoever. I keep my tablet on the window sill in the upstairs bathroom, so I guess they have a detailed record of when and for how long I play sudoku.
Don't get me started on this, Smart TV's drive me mad not only do you have to wait sometimes to watch your programmes whilst they update, but they're constantly advertising their own content. With my new LG telly you have to click 2 boxes before you can watch ordinary live tv, it will not allow you to default to this when you switch it on!!!!!
I do not have a Smart TV. Thanks for the warning!
No time at all. I threw out my windows laptop because of all the updates, restarts and glitches. I now use a Chromebook and no problems at all. It probably does do updates but it's all in the background, you don't notice it's happening. My TV or phone has never asked me to do an update.
My cable system updates every night at around 3 AM and yes, I am awake at that hour. Most nights when the box arrives I can click something and that's it, it's done. But about once or twice a week, it actually updates which takes about 10 or 15 minutes before it finally returns to the program. And sometimes, the first update doesn't do it, so it goes through the entire updating process again. My computer only has annual or semi-annual updates which is not too bad.