If you only had 1 choice


Staff member
If heaven forbid you were only allowed to have one choice of a complete series what series would it be?
That´s a tough one! My favourites are series 3-6. God, only one... Very hard to choose, impossible. I think I´d go for 5 if I had to!
Pretty difficult to decide, I agree it probably has to be between either the 3,4 or 5 series. I think if I had to select one it probably would be series 3 (because it has great episodes such as Mending Stuart's Leg, the Great Boarding House Bathroom Caper, Cheering up Gordon and a Kink In Foggy's Niblick)
I agree it would be almost impossible to choose just one series as there is so many great ones,I would tend to aim for earlier series and not to get Seymour in there would be a shame
It would have to be series one i think, there some belters on that one and i can relate to that period in time, a sentimental journey for me is that one.

G ; )
don't know the series numbers of the episodes but it would have to be one with seymore and wesley as this was my favourite period although all apart from the most recent are good.

I think my most favoured are probably the first series with Foggy (series 3 to 8) - all good. I am trying to decide between series 3 and series 6 - both of which miss out Full Steam Behind (series 5) being my all time best ever although the rest of that series was good there are some even better ones in the others. There again series 4 had two superb episodes - Flower Power Cut and Greenfingers.
I think its a very difficult question to answer as i enjoy all the series for different reasons up until the end of the second Foggy era.It would probably be a toss up between number two and five but if my arm was being twisted then i think it would be five.I know that as soon as i watched five i would miss not being able to watch two then three,four,etc,etc. ;D
