Is this fair


Staff member
Our local Doctors surgery now make us pay 20p for a urine sample bottle, so they or the hospital ask for a sample, the hospital never send a bottle with the hospital appointment, so either way it is another added cost, it just seems non stop extra charges,what with hospital car park charges increasing all the time, in fact I am surprised the doctors surgery's have not jumped on the car park charging
Now see, my wife is always telling me how much better
and more affordable is health care in the UK. Maybe I
better not show here this!
Are there any other out-of-pocket charges around visits to doctors' surgeries or hospitals? If the specimen bottle and the parking fee are nearly the only ones, and the quality of care hasn't changed for the worse since I last saw a doctor or was cared for in the emergency room in the UK, I'd still be just as satisfied with the National Health as I have been up to now.

The other day I paid a $40 co-pay for my annual ophthalmology check-up. With Medicare parts A & B and my no-premium Medicare supplemental insurance, that's standard for a specialist visit. That's the same specialist co-pay as a few years ago when I was paying just under $200 per month for Medicare supplemental insurance.
Our local Doctors surgery now make us pay 20p for a urine sample bottle, so they or the hospital ask for a sample, the hospital never send a bottle with the hospital appointment, so either way it is another added cost, it just seems non stop extra charges,what with hospital car park charges increasing all the time, in fact I am surprised the doctors surgery's have not jumped on the car park charging

Got a few of those - will hang on to them and make a killing when price goes up!

What's wrong with using a small wine bottle with a screw lid?
Our local Doctors surgery now make us pay 20p for a urine sample bottle, so they or the hospital ask for a sample, the hospital never send a bottle with the hospital appointment, so either way it is another added cost, it just seems non stop extra charges,what with hospital car park charges increasing all the time, in fact I am surprised the doctors surgery's have not jumped on the car park charging

In the context of samples they showed the Porridge clip after the remake in the Comedy Connections show when Fletcher is having his medical and the Doctor asks him to give a sample with the urine flask on the table and Fletch says the immortal line " What from here ! " :)