It could have all ended in 1994


Staff member
I'm now nearing the end of reading Harold Snoads book It's Bouquet Not Bucket! telling the story behind KUA. For those who don't know their is clearly no love lost between the author and Roy Clarke.

However what I found interesting is matters came to a head in 1994 when Roy discovered that Harold had been altering his scripts. An emergency delegation of the BBC was hastily sent up to Doncaster to calm things down. Apparently Roy was so incensed that he said unless Harold Snoad backed down he'd never write another script for the BBC. Fortunately HS did so and a final series of KUA could be written and 16 more years of LOTSW. But it sounds like it was a very close call.....
If that would have happened Harold should have been jailed for crimes against humanity !!!....imagine......all those lost years...those lost laughs....those lost adventures......and even more importantly.....our chance to say "goodbye" to the most wonderful,game,loyal,mad,scruffy,urchin on God's green earth !!!...OUR COMPO !!!
He cites many examples of Roys scripts not making logical sense, hence why he felt he had to edit them. He mentions one episode of LOTSW where Foggy delivers a note to Marina at the supermarket from Howard saying he will meet her at 4pm which wasn't signed. Foggy then spends the whole episode trying to convince her it's not from him. (I vaguely recall this episode but can someone remind me which one it was)

His point being that this script didn't make any sense as Marina would have discovered it was Howard when he turned up to meet her as agreed at 4. As I can't fully recall the details of this episode, I can't say whether that was a fair criticism or not?
His point being that this script didn't make any sense as Marina would have discovered it was Howard when he turned up to meet her as agreed at 4.
Yet that would have taken away half the fun of watching Foggy squirm and trying to explain it's not from him. As well as watching Marina with fanciful ideas of Foggy or someone else meeting her.

A bit like here is a map, go from point A to point B and ignore all the interesting and fun things along the way. Or, you are at the Fun Fair and need to go from the Dodge 'Ems to the Roller Coaster. You must ignore all the fun things like House of Horrors, Hall of Mirrors, etc. along the way.o_O
It’s out of print so it’s very expensive here in the UK, I think there’s a few used copies available in the US. But it’s a must for any Bucket fans !!
I did wonder if that tied in with the writing and filming of Extra Extra, I mention to Alan Bell that I spotted him in that special, he said he was pushed into that brief scene by the cast and crew as they believe that was going to be the end of the show, but he did not explain why they thought that was the case.
I seem to recall a newspaper article promoting the 1991 series claiming that would be the last series.
I did wonder if that tied in with the writing and filming of Extra Extra, I mention to Alan Bell that I spotted him in that special, he said he was pushed into that brief scene by the cast and crew as they believe that was going to be the end of the show, but he did not explain why they thought that was the case.
That would tie in as it was the same time as the last KUA series, I've assumed it would have been filmed in 1994 but it could well have been filmed in 1995 which would tie in perfectly with when Extra Extra was filmed.
I did wonder if that tied in with the writing and filming of Extra Extra, I mention to Alan Bell that I spotted him in that special, he said he was pushed into that brief scene by the cast and crew as they believe that was going to be the end of the show, but he did not explain why they thought that was the case.
What brief scene are we discussing? Sorry to sound dense.
I'm now nearing the end of reading Harold Snoads book It's Bouquet Not Bucket! telling the story behind KUA. For those who don't know their is clearly no love lost between the author and Roy Clarke.

However what I found interesting is matters came to a head in 1994 when Roy discovered that Harold had been altering his scripts. An emergency delegation of the BBC was hastily sent up to Doncaster to calm things down. Apparently Roy was so incensed that he said unless Harold Snoad backed down he'd never write another script for the BBC. Fortunately HS did so and a final series of KUA could be written and 16 more years of LOTSW. But it sounds like it was a very close call.....
Is this adult strops in action? Madness. Creative people can be a tad unhinged :14: