It's been a long time


Staff member
14 years ago today I started the website, at the time there was several websites for fans of the show, sadly once the show ended these websites faded away, almost as if well the show has finished and the fans will disappear, well that has proven not to be the case, with the forum starting over 6 years ago, over 87,000 post have been posted and most of that is down to the members here,well done.

Personally I still miss the posts from George and Frank two long term members who have gone to the Cafe above and I was honoured to have them as forum members

I would like to thank Tony for keeping the software and sever ticking over, he had hair when he first started, for the moderators Pearl and (Onyx)John for keeping an eye on the shop, along with all our members that make the whole thing worthwhile

I would like to thank you Terry , Tony, Pearl and (Onyx) John for all the excellent work you do and for continuing to breath life into our beloved show , but for your sterling work we would not have a place where people can share their opinions and express their admiration not only for the show itself but also for the places the show was filmed [something that their local authorities seemed to have ignored on the whole] .

For the show' s fans who live outside the UK, the site provides a link to the show that is real and the photographic section offers a chance to see pictures of the locations and the wonderful Yorkshire scenery, particularly for those who may never be afforded the chance to visit the area . With that in mind I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to Pete who provided a plethora of photographs depicting scenes from the show contrasted with what the location appears like today.

One final special mention for Dick who provides input daily to our longest surviving threads , especially the jokes post, which he always ensures is kept active on a daily basis without fail . :)
I'm adding my thanks to Terry, Tony, Pearl and John for all that you do. And to the other members for all they contribute. When I found this site in a search for a release date for one of the Region 2 DVD sets, it felt like coming home.
14 years ago today I started the website, at the time there was several websites for fans of the show, sadly once the show ended these websites faded away, almost as if well the show has finished and the fans will disappear, well that has proven not to be the case, with the forum starting over 6 years ago, over 87,000 post have been posted and most of that is down to the members here,well done.

Personally I still miss the posts from George and Frank two long term members who have gone to the Cafe above and I was honoured to have them as forum members

I would like to thank Tony for keeping the software and sever ticking over, he had hair when he first started, for the moderators Pearl and (Onyx)John for keeping an eye on the shop, along with all our members that make the whole thing worthwhile


Thanks Terry - can I say that I too particularly miss Frank (Big Unc for those who do not know) as we found we had an awful lot in common in interests and approaches to life.

I appreciate all the help from the others who keep it all rolling along smoothly and Dick who just keeps posting along .....
I keep getting praised for " posting along " (thanks Rod) but I'd like to add my praise to you Terry and Tony for being the drivers of the good ship LOTSW.If you didn't keep us level who knows where we would be! Thanks to all my fellow posters /members and to Pearl who do's her best to keep me sane.:46:
On a serious note, I too miss George (I liked to think of him as a friend as well as a fellow member) I miss Frank too.:frown:
I keep getting praised for " posting along " (thanks Rod) but I'd like to add my praise to you Terry and Tony for being the drivers of the good ship LOTSW.If you didn't keep us level who knows where we would be! Thanks to all my fellow posters /members and to Pearl who do's her best to keep me sane.:46:
On a serious note, I too miss George (I liked to think of him as a friend as well as a fellow member) I miss Frank too.:frown:
I think you get mentioned Dick as you have contributed nearly 8% of the posts - if I understand the statistics correctly, more than Terry or Perl and the most prolific of the non staff members. That is about every 13th post is from yourself - hope you are not superstitious!:eek::rolleyes:
A very big thumbs up to everyone who helps keep this great website up and running:37::17::01: