It's Me Thursday ...


Dedicated Member
Early on in Under The Rug, very obviously added
after Bill had passed, Compo is heard to say "It's Me
Thursday" before he absents himself for most of his
"next-to-last" episode. Then we heard about his
alleged Thurdays later.
The Thursdays and Reggie Unsworth theme was very hastily written, and to me was the only flaw in the excellent funeral episodes.

It was always accepted that the trio met just about everyday.

I always felt Compo had been 'unfaithful' to Nora.

Still, they needed a bit of a twist to the story, and that was it.
Wot I mean ter say is .... Under The Rug, just BEFORE the
funeral episodes, they snuck in an "it's me Thursday" line.

Not sure how they got Bill/Compo to say that wot with
his condition and all.
I think it was someone else's voice they used.

I haven't viewed the episode lately, but it may have been a body double used as 'Compo' leaves Clegg's place.
Well I was wondering for a start. The "quote" seemed to
come out of nowhere. Have to check my Vine again.

thanks 'n all
I think it was someone else's voice they used.

I haven't viewed the episode lately, but it may have been a body double used as 'Compo' leaves Clegg's place.

I think you're right on both counts. Its definitely a body 'double' and I suspect that its a voice over aswell. It certainly isnt Bill walking away, its too tall.