Just Dreaming


Staff member
I have some very weird dreams, I dreamt last night that I'd found a Summer Wine episode that I'd never watched it was the one where PC Walsh was married to Nora Batty and was very happy !!!
And he was also shirtless. :12::12:

More blue pills do you think? ;D;D
I have some very weird dreams, I dreamt last night that I'd found a Summer Wine episode that I'd never watched it was the one where PC Walsh was married to Nora Batty and was very happy !!!
And he was also shirtless. :12::12:

More blue pills do you think? ;D;D

oooooopsss ;D ;D Not Viagra surely? :16: :me:
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While we're on this subject, how come all these adverts for active pensioners?? Why no adverts for the ones we see around us?
I meet people every day who are infirm, on various meds or visiting the hospital. Are we being presented with "day dreams" or "pie in the sky"? When will T V tell it like it is? ???
oooooopsss ;D ;D Not Viagra surely? :16: :me:

Not sure how they'd work for me but if it's free I'll give it a go, I have about a dozen emails in my spam folder offering me a great deal on Viagra and a Chinese bride!!! ( Maybe you need Viagra to have a Chinese bride?? )

And don't get me started on adverts, try having a period and watching a sanitary product advert, all made by men just like positive OAP adverts are made by people in their 30s.
While we're on this subject, how come all these adverts for active pensioners?? Why no adverts for the ones we see around us?
I meet people every day who are infirm, on various meds or visiting the hospital. Are we being presented with "day dreams" or "pie in the sky"? When will T V tell it like it is? ???

Yet we have articles in the press that people over 65 are the new "binge " drinkers and its out of control . If there is any truth in the story there are quite a few active [well active until the drink kicks in] pensioners out there who manage to haul themselves down to the pub daily.
Yet we have articles in the press that people over 65 are the new "binge " drinkers and its out of control . If there is any truth in the story there are quite a few active [well active until the drink kicks in] pensioners out there who manage to haul themselves down to the pub daily.

Who can afford to do that every day?
When you said '..it was the one where..' got me wondering for a moment if there really was an episode :).

Nora and PC Walsh would be an interesting couple. I can easily see him enjoying her famed cooking. Cooper and Walsh always seemed to have some food handy. I imagine they would both be a few pounds heavier with Nora around. Nora did seem to fancy taller men and if Walsh was keen to dress like Errol Flynn on occasion we could have seen a Nora that actually smiled more! Especially a shirtless Errol Flynn, or maybe that was our Pearl's fancy ;D. Just teasing ya Pearl. Thanks for sharing your dream. You brightened my morning.

Who can afford to do that every day?

I was out yesterday with an old guy I meet once a week to make sure he gets out , we just go to a Weatherspoons near where he lives for ease . In there its so relatively cheap for drink . He is a real ale guy and that's £1.99 a pint , I tend to drink shorts [mainly because although he's 81 he down's seven or eight pints over the afternoon/early evening at which point he'd be picking me off the floor] and they are £2.40 to £2.70 each depending on the spirit so at under a fiver per round that's less than £20 each . I imagine a lot of pensioners drinking beer can muster £20 a day, if they drank 10 pints a day , which demonstrates why the article published highlighted the problem .
While we're on this subject, how come all these adverts for active pensioners?? Why no adverts for the ones we see around us?
I meet people every day who are infirm, on various meds or visiting the hospital. Are we being presented with "day dreams" or "pie in the sky"? When will T V tell it like it is? ???

Because I see UK pensioners only while I'm on fairly active holidays there, I've gathered the impression that y'all are much healthier and more active than most US retirees. I have to push to keep up with the other guests on my holidays even though most of them are older than myself. Mind you, Americans aren't all unhealthy and unfit. Many of the people I've seen working out at the gym since I joined about ten years ago are my age and older, and I'm still working on achieving their level of fitness.
As an IBM retiree here in NC, I go to the local IBM gym
many days a week mostly during "old folks" time mid-morning
or mid-afternoon. The folks there are old like me, but mostly
are overweight. Not in great shape. Some spend much
more time talking than working out. They drive everywhere
and rarely walk anywhere (not that there are that many places
one can walk about here).

The gym here has a huge cardio room with ellipticals, rowers,
treadmills, etc. The weight room has lots of weight machines
and free weights. The place is really big and really complete.
But mostly it's empty.

When we go, there is never a wait for anything, so few folks
are using it. Really kinda sad.

As an IBM retiree here in NC, I go to the local IBM gym many days a week mostly during "old folks" time mid-morning or mid-afternoon. The folks there are old like me, but mostly are overweight. Not in great shape. Some spend much more time talking than working out. They drive everywhere
and rarely walk anywhere (not that there are that many places one can walk about here).

The gym here has a huge cardio room with ellipticals, rowers, treadmills, etc. The weight room has lots of weight machines and free weights. The place is really big and really complete. But mostly it's empty.

When we go, there is never a wait for anything, so few folks are using it. Really kinda sad.


I time my gym visits to avoid the crowds, so not before 8 AM, between noon and 1 PM, or between 5 and 7 PM. So do most of the retirees, and there's very little standing around chatting. They're power-walking or running on the treadmills, or working with fairly heavy free weights, or pushing heavy weights on the machines. There's seldom a wait for a machine or a pair of dumbbells, but the place is far from empty.
but the place is far from empty.

I'm guessing that your gym is a commercial gym and it pays them
to keep it busy. Mine is more of a private (??) gym even as big as it
is (it's got more equipment than any commercial gym I have
seen around here). As IBM lays off more and downsizes more,
there are fewer folks working out. And the lifespan of an IBM
retiree ain't so long either.

In the cardio room his morning, what with about a dozen elipticals,
about a dozen treadmills, 2 rowing machines, and several stair climbers,
and many many bicycles, there were only 3 of us in there from
about 9:30 to 11.

In the weight room, with maybe 20 machines and as many
free-weight stations, maybe 4 of us. (Twill be busier during
early-morning, lunch, and evening times, but not much more.)

Hoping IBM does not sell us off as a golf course!!
I'm guessing that your gym is a commercial gym and it pays them to keep it busy.

It's part of a not-for-profit, but huge, medical/surgical practice and group of three hospitals. The practice's physical therapy department is in part of the building, and patients can get 12 1-hour gym sessions with a trainer for ~$65 as soon as their PT is completed. If those patients join the gym directly from the "transition" phase, the joining fee of about $350 is waived. That's the primary source of new members. The practice's cardiac rehab is housed in the gym's cardio area, and some of those patients join the gym and continue regular work-outs when their rehab is complete.

The facility is located on the way to the research campus belonging to the biggest of the local manufacturing firms, just under a mile away, so it's handy for the huge staff there to stop in on the way to or from work or during lunch, and a lot of the do. Even so, most of the folks I see working out are from other places of employment or are retirees.
It is well over twenty years until I am able to retire, but I admire the older folks at the swim center where I take my kids for swimming lessons in the summer. They seem to have a good life with time in the swimming pool to start the day. As a school teacher, I feel I live the life of a retiree at times during breaks. When I have these freee days, I want to get all of the activities out of the way in the morning, and relax in the afternoons and evenings.

I lifted a lot of weights in high school when I played American football. However, gyms never appealed to me. I prefer walking, hiking, running, and swimming.
Because I see UK pensioners only while I'm on fairly active holidays there, I've gathered the impression that y'all are much healthier and more active than most US retirees. I have to push to keep up with the other guests on my holidays even though most of them are older than myself. Mind you, Americans aren't all unhealthy and unfit. Many of the people I've seen working out at the gym since I joined about ten years ago are my age and older, and I'm still working on achieving their level of fitness.

To those UK pensioners who go to the pub to enjoy some good conversation and drink in moderation, more power to them. Ditto for the coffee klatch. Up-two-three, drink-two-three.
I am enjoying retirement U3A provides a lot to do,monthly meeting weekly and monthly groups great people and very interesting trips out regularily ,also my model railway and my RNLI work no time for work.Most of our friends are active and when we go on a Warners break you meet some amazing people so theres plenty of ways to enjoy retirement although some people might not would look forward to spending more time with the wife NOT ME.
I too enjoy my retirement I have been taking advantage of National Holidays generous prices for their breaks, just back from Edinburgh yesterday after 3 days . I wanted to see much more of our great countries and its a great way to do it because you don't have to drive , you get a number of days stay in a hotel with breakfast and dinner thrown in plus trips to various destinations whilst you stay in the hotel as your base . On the trip this time I got talking to a 93 year old gentleman who was there with his daughter and son in law , what an example to hold up to anyone , still galloping around enjoying every minute and given its rained for most of the time did not hear him complaining once about being wet through just got on with it.

His daughter was telling me that when they got home yesterday it was a quick case change and they were off to York for the weekend . They were in Hungary two weeks ago and went on a tour of a Winery which was presented by a young lady . At the end she asked if there were any questions and the old fella said " Yes , can I have your phone number please" , priceless . Sincerely hope I am still running around like him if I reach his age!:)