
LOTSW Fanatic
Watched "Get out of that then" last night, I could not help noticing that when Entwistle had cut Lenny free how he (Lenny) had to sort of turn his body to who ever he was speaking to. Almost as if he were still chained. Any one else notice this ?? Was Bobby Ball carrying some injury or had he problems with his back??:confused:
Don't know if he was injured but always liked him I had a pair of red braces like his ,didn't notice that movement but will watch out next time its on.
I see what you mean. During most of the show, he didn't turn his neck at all - only his whole body. Even at the end of the show, he barely turned his neck.
I checked his other shows and even some of his comedy routines on YouTube and he turned his neck very little - mainly turned his body. I noticed in the comedy routine, they both turned their bodies so they were looking squarely at each other. So some of it may have been habit, but I agree, it looked like a possible injury during the first half of Get Out of That, Then.
I haven't seen this particular episode, but if he is big and chunky, it may be hard for him to turn his neck. My husband is big and chunky and has this particular trouble. No real injury except for a chronic shoulder complaint.