LOTSW contiuity errors


Active Member
Im suprised no one has mentioned these continuity errors in these two episodes before.

The first is in the episode 'A double for Howard' where in one scene Howard is underneath the car with Wesley being fixed with the reg D452SFE. In the next scene you can clearly see Barry driving the car whilst dropping of Glenda. And then in the very next scene the same said car is back at Wesleys garage being fixed again. Very poor.

The second error is in the 'defeat of the stoneworm' where Compo, Me and Cleggy are walking down the street talking about stoneworm, then in the next scene Cleggy brings stoneworm up again and this time Compo and I act like we dont know what he is talking about, clearly these scenes should of been the other way around, again pretty poor. Would not have happened under Sydney Lotterby. Anybody else spot any others? .