On a related note, sadly, Summer Wine has not been airing on the Maryland and Washington DC area public stations, Md. Pub. TV and WETA-UK. Fortunately, most seasons resurfaced on our cable carrier's lists of available videos.

WETA-UK does, however, alternate the 6 PM time slot with Open All Hours and Still Open All Hours. Now this, of course, isn't the same as airing the many episodes of a show like Summer Wine and taking a nice long time to go through the duration of a show.
I haven’t had a tv for fourteen years now
I don’t miss it one jot
My daily dose of LOTSW comes from daily motion and YouTube
So glad you're making use of Dailymotion, the quality of the LOTSW videos on YouTube is abysmal!

As other forum members have alluded to, if you haven't already it may be worth installing a free adblocker onto your computer as I find the ads on Dailymotion to be annoying and repetitive. It's strange, I have the full DVD set but I still find it easier to dip in and out of episodes using video streaming sites!
I struggled to access Dailymotion with adblocker enabled Barry . I use the standard adblock plus so DM detects its enabled and won't open content simply puts a banner up saying adblocker being used disable if you want to use the content . Are you using an adblocker that perhaps the Dail Motion software doesn't detect ?
I struggled to access Dailymotion with adblocker enabled Barry . I use the standard adblock plus so DM detects its enabled and won't open content simply puts a banner up saying adblocker being used disable if you want to use the content . Are you using an adblocker that perhaps the Dail Motion software doesn't detect ?
I've checked my extensions, as I'm sure I've mentioned before I'm not the best with computers!

But I run this on Chrome, and it works a treat! Also it works on blocking all the ads when I watch Channel 5 catch up too!

I’ve got Adblock, Adblock pro, and Adblock for YouTube all running on the cellphone
They usually make watching tv a right treat
Occasionally YouTube can slip one past
But it’s not too often
I can usually shut down the program before I see what the commercial is about
I’m not too partial to commercials
This is the main reason I gave up on tv 14 years ago
I've got Adblock and I had to see the doctor.

Friend:- "pssst pssst pssst"

Oh sorry ignore me. Crossed wires again!!!