Marsden Moor ... another fire

Another fire on the moors, not the first of the year sadly. Suspected bbq, some people shouldn’t be let out!
You are right ferret. BBQ's should be banned from the countryside and the people who wish to use them. When I was young, { :29: } cucumber sarnies and a flask of tea were good enough.
We were out in our campervan this weekend. Stayed on a farm in Derbyshire, had a few drinks, had a fire in the evening, didn’t burn the ground or upset the wildlife. Some pillock goes up on the moors to set fireworks off ( confirmed on radio Manchester) and causes a million £‘s worth of damage.
People obviously need educating but I’m afraid some are beyond help.
Photo of our fire Saturday eve5AA9C3B1-0E1C-4308-8762-A7F2992427A1.jpeg