Maryland Public Television Article on Peter Sallis


Dedicated Member
Hello Everyone,

This might not be "new news" to a lot of you, but I receive updates on British actors through MPT's Afternoon Tea (division of British programming). I thought some of you might be interested in seeing it, although it is not positive news.
Thank you Cod, there was an article a while back saying the same thing. I suppose being 93 the last thing you want to do is start working again. I hope he's comfortable and enjoying his retirement, it's a voice we all miss.
There are some other LOTSW bios on that page as well. Oddly, I noticed the Ken Kitson one has the wrong information about his involvement on the show, saying he was on it from 1973-2006 and was the third longest serving cast member. That last part may be true, but his actual years of appearance were 1983-2010 per IMDB.