

Staff member

Aunty Meets Arkwright.

Sales Convention! The leaflet said, free samples and special offers available to all attendees.
"See that Granville?, free samples and the convention is only a few miles away so I'll be back by teatime"
"Why don't you stay the night, take nurse gladys with you"
" And leave you here on your own? No, I'll be back by teatime."

Meanwhile at Aunty Wainwrights.

" All you have to do is watch the shop while I'm away lad, I'm just going to see what free samples are going, I'll only be a few hours"
Smiler " Oh oh it's going to be difficult, oh oh"
" Not at all lad, just remember that when that money is in my till it's my money, so don't go GIVING MY MONEY AWAY or I'll take it out of your wages"
" You're paying me now?"
I was talking figuratively lad"

In Arkwrights bedroom he's getting ready.

" Ee this money belt must be shrinking! "
Granville walks in.

" Hahahaha, what are you doing with that thing on? You'll do yourself a mischief!"
" I'm not leaving my money here, I'll be alright when the elastic gives a bit"
" Gives a bit ?? Its going to have to give a lot! You look like a haystack being strangled in the middle "

At the convention, Arkwright is looking round for the free samples, Aunty walks in and spots Arkwright

" The last time I saw a man walk like that he was wearing a money belt" Her eyes light up like runway lights as she taps her fingers together.

As Arkwright winds his way around the room he suddenly sees a woman dressed in black watching him, undressing him with her eyes, he grabs his waist to make sure the belt is still secure.

" My god, why did they invite dracula's mother?!!!" He moves further into the middle of the room whilst not taking his eyes off her.
" I'd guess it's a vintage 1940's WW2 era style canvas and leather, measuring 47 inches end to end,17 inches long and 3.5 inches tall with 3 three pockets with goat leather insides, I've not seen one of them since the Americans left in 46"
" What she doing?, she's got her eyes on my money belt is what she's doing" Backing away slowly regretting not bring nurse Gladys Emmanuel.

All Aunty sees is the belt wrapped round a middle aged grocer " Ee it's a shameful waste, wrapped around him instead of in my handbag" She thinks as she's drawn to it like a powerful magnet.
Arkwright is getting very nervous, he's even forgetting to pick up free samples as he backs out towards the door.

" Where's he going ?" Wonders Aunty "Where's he going with that beautiful money belt?"

As Arkwright reaches the door he makes a break for it and runs out "Wait"
shouts Aunty " I just want to get acquainted the belt, come back"
But Arkwright has gone " I'll never leave home again without nurse Gladys"