Men's Coffee Morning


Dedicated Member
I was able to watch an episode of Summer Wine tonight that I hadn't seen for over a year. I saw something I'd never noticed before. The men are standing around in a semi-circle drinking tea (or coffee) holding their cups and saucers, and all of a sudden they all drink in unison - just like the women at coffee morning. I laughed right out loud. Instead of telling you what episode it was, I'll see if any of you can guess. I will tell you no one drank out of their saucer.
I'm in the US so off to bed now but I will say it was at Clegg's house. The men were Truly, Alvin, Billy and Clegg.
The fact that the men are together drinking coffee, occasionally looking at one another and nodding counts as an entire conversation. Women actually talk.
The fact that the men are together drinking coffee, occasionally looking at one another and nodding counts as an entire conversation. Women actually talk.

Oh these men were talking too. They were giving Billy a hard time as usual.
We never saw her. They were sympathising with Billy because he was in the doghouse. He'd "helped" Mrs Lazenby "move" her wardrobe 3 times ;) ;)
We never saw her. They were sympathising with Billy because he was in the doghouse. He'd "helped" Mrs Lazenby "move" her wardrobe 3 times ;) ;)

No. This did involve Billy and female clothes. But not that episode.
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That's a good one,
There are some retired men that meet at a McDonalds here in town every morning. There are sometimes as many as 10. I think to myself, when I retire, or at least get to that age, I'm soooo joining their gang!!!! :respect::D