New Build

Spotted this case a few months ago, it has only just become available in the UK, mine is arriving tomorrow and it will keep me busy next week planning the build and putting it all together
Is self building computers a popular thing? I'd have thought the rise in laptops would have put paid to that
Is self building computers a popular thing? I'd have thought the rise in laptops would have put paid to that
Laptops are okay for the day to day computer needs, for serious video editing or if you are into gaming then unless you spend 3K plus on a laptop it is not going to cut the mustard, then you have the screen size on a laptop, so you would then need to plug it into a monitor to get a decent screen size, so unless you really need to be portable you can build a very decent spec PC with expansion options for the same or less cost, the PC is also easier to update the internals when new tech comes along or you need to add drives etc, with a laptop you would normally have to buy a new later model.
Laptops are okay for the day to day computer needs, for serious video editing or if you are into gaming then unless you spend 3K plus on a laptop it is not going to cut the mustard, then you have the screen size on a laptop, so you would then need to plug it into a monitor to get a decent screen size, so unless you really need to be portable you can build a very decent spec PC with expansion options for the same or less cost, the PC is also easier to update the internals when new tech comes along or you need to add drives etc, with a laptop you would normally have to buy a new later model.
Technology has really passed me by over the past 20 years. But I do remember my very first PC which I got in 1991, it was a 386 16mhz, it had 1m of memory and a 40 mb hard drive. In those days many PC's were assembled by smaller independents, it cost £799 which would be around £2,000 in todays money!!!!!
Technology has really passed me by over the past 20 years. But I do remember my very first PC which I got in 1991, it was a 386 16mhz, it had 1m of memory and a 40 mb hard drive. In those days many PC's were assembled by smaller independents, it cost £799 which would be around £2,000 in todays money!!!!!
And £2000 today will just about buy you a top end graphics card and it's replacement is due soon