News from Sids Cafe re new Filming


Staff member
Spotted this on Facebook today,they told me about it on my last visit,but had no further details.........

Sid's Cafe
Excitement at Sid's today - production company came to film a scene outside for a pilot for a follow-up to LOTSW. Plot centres on Nora Batty's grand-daughter with some of the old Brookside cast! We'll let you know more when we do!
I was just about to post a link to it :D
Have you any idea who's in it or writing it?
All very interesting.

Was Louis Emerick in Brookside?

Did we ever decide if Nora and Wally had any children?
I'm pretty sure that Nora and Wally never had children, so it will be interesting to learn how in the world she could have a granddaughter!
I was always convinced they did have children, now and then I thought there were little clues to it.
This sound interesting I'm sure we're all agog to find out more. ;D
Unbelievable news. Never thought I would live to read this. Speechless and all Please whatever you do keep us informed ok. Thanks and I am sure we all appreciate it very much.
No reason why younger cast members such as Mike Grady and Sarah Thomas shouldnt't be included and the likes of Marina. I wonder if Roy is involved somewhere.
This really is breaking news.

Yet i can't find anything, anything at all, on the internet.

For some reason they seem to keep filming close to their chest,I understand the crew and directors might be from the Liverpool area,I will try and find out more next week
It is still amazing how much attention Sid's Cafe holds amongst the fans. Almost anytime you click on the webcam you can see people taking pictures. I love looking at the webcam. Funnily I have never caught anyone filming lately
Please tell me this is going to happen??? :) not only did I love Last Of The Summer Wine but I loved Brookside (well from 1994 anyway)
From what I have discovered today,the filming was a spin off and only a total of 5 minutes was done to use as a pilot and plot to show the idea to TV companies,so it may not happen if the TV companies do not like the idea
That's not good :-\
If its left up to them we may never see it!

Did find out who was in it?