Nice Little Story in our Parish Magazine


Staff member
I Have scanned this to save me typing it all out,thought it may spur some comments

My mum had 10 kids (7 boys,3 girls) and never had a labour saving device in her life.
Like Compo we were always having our electricity cut off.Our tv was run on a meter that luckily took washers.
When she passed away in 2002 aged 83 she had still never used a washing machine.
Bloody kids these days. King Herod had the right idea as far as I'm concerned....
My mum had 10 kids (7 boys,3 girls) and never had a labour saving device in her life.
Like Compo we were always having our electricity cut off.Our tv was run on a meter that luckily took washers.
When she passed away in 2002 aged 83 she had still never used a washing machine.

one of my grandmothers never had one either - just a copper to boil the wash, nor a refrigerator (cold slab in larder with a meat safe) and my grandfather carefully tore up Radio Times for toilet paper - softer than the scratchy Izal which was common at the time.
My dad had 2 bottles of beer at night, my 2 brothers and I used to get up early every morning the first one to the bottles got to take them back, 2p on each bottle.... You felt rich all day :)
And we never needed an alarm clock, shear grit determination and greed got you out of bed. Not daft my dad

Mam used to take her own bags shopping too, there was no way she was going to pay for carrier bags and 2p each.
My dad had 2 bottles of beer at night, my 2 brothers and I used to get up early every morning the first one to the bottles got to take them back, 2p on each bottle.... You felt rich all day :)
And we never needed an alarm clock, shear grit determination and greed got you out of bed. Not daft my dad

Mam used to take her own bags shopping too, there was no way she was going to pay for carrier bags and 2p each.

We used to start a serious collection of empties in the Summer holidays. Then in November we took them back for money to buy fireworks. We enjoyed the display much more for having 'worked' for it.
My dad had 2 bottles of beer at night, my 2 brothers and I used to get up early every morning the first one to the bottles got to take them back, 2p on each bottle.... You felt rich all day :)
And we never needed an alarm clock, shear grit determination and greed got you out of bed. Not daft my dad

Mam used to take her own bags shopping too, there was no way she was going to pay for carrier bags and 2p each.

We used to start a serious collection of empties in the Summer holidays. Then in November we took them back for money to buy fireworks. We enjoyed the display much more for having 'worked' for it.
I lived next door to a woman with four sons. They each took a bottle of pop to work of a morning and brought the empty home at night leaving them on the back yard. When it got difficult to make your way round their yard because of the bottles ,guess who was asked to take them back to the local shop?? Made me a few bob each month ;D
I work in a supermarket and the number of people who either 'forget' their own bags or "leave them in the car" - wish I had a penny for every time I heard that one - is amazing.

Until we either start charging more than it costs for a recyclable bag or they are outlawed by parliament then that particular problem won't go away. Some of the younger generation have a poor attitude towards the environment.

I remember my Gran using the wash tub and a wringer, the pantry to keep things cool and my mum is nearly 80 and still refuses to use any thing other than her stoneware basin and wooden spoon when baking.

The checkout girl seems to very ignorant or rather more typical of what some younger people are like. They say that every generation blames the last which is easy to do, although I still believe we were not selfish like many of them are now.

I once served a customer who spent over £200 on shopping yet refused to spend around 40p in recyclable bags, he wanted the free ones which resulted in him taking around 25-30, VERY environmentally friendly. :(