No Fly Zone


Staff member
I see the French are taking no risks with the Olympics, at this time looking on Flight Radar there is no commercial flights over Paris only air force and medical helicopters, there are flights booked much later this evening to arrive and depart the main airports
I'm protesting these Olympics for 2 very good reason of which I won't go into here. But the trains are backed up too.
On similar lines there's a vignette in a Porridge episode when Fletch is being told that there is going to be a new co-occupier of his cell and he protests that its not going to be Evans because he eats everything including lightbulbs and he definitely doesn't want Reids [might be Reeves can't fully recall] who he continues to say has the nickname "Arsenic " on account that he was always sitting on Razor Blades . Godber chirps up to say "Funny I thought he was in for poisoning " . Fletch , laughing, says " You are gullible Godber" :) priceless