Nora spreads her wings

captain clutterbuck

LOTSW Fanatic
I was flicking through the press looking for comedic articles and came across this it appears this cartoonist thinks Nora had a go at Les Dawson


For good measure here are a couple of Les Dawson one liners.

My mother in law has ensured Britain is leading the space race by trying to cook a turnip in a pressure cooker , the turnip is now orbiting Mars.

When I was born my mother wanted me brought up at Eton . My dad says it looks as if he's been eaten and brought up!


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So was Les Dawson related to Richard Dawson (Hogan's Heros, Match Game and Family Feud) who was born and raised in Liverpool.
I'm afraid not Les was born in Manchester making him a bitter rival to someone born in Liverpool , well certainly in the context of Soccer or Football .
I loved his mother in law jokes.
If Les was still with us my two son in laws would be able to send him some great mother in law jokes.
Here are a few more you may like

My mother in law has so many wrinkles when she laughs she looks like a venetian blind

People say I am always putting my mother in law down but really she only has one fault ............ breathing

My mother in law has many things men desire ............ muscles and a moustache

My mother in law is so unattractive the milkman flirts with my father in law.

I'v adopted one for sons in law

My mother in law was on an endurance run and the midges were drawing straws to see who would bite her :eek:
When they came collecting for the old age door to door had an awful job getting the mother in law into the bags provided !!! :cool: