
Dedicated Member
Just came across this odd Summer Wine DVD. Title is Roy Clarke's
Last of the Summer Wine, Disk One with a photo of Compo,
Foggy, and Clegg. Sez BBC Video and WB (Warner Bros?).
2004 BBC Worldwide America and 1995 BBC. Anybody else
know what/why this is??

Contents are:

Leaving Home Forever (or until teatime)
Bicycle Bonanza
Glamour of the Uniform
First Human Being to ride a Hill
Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure

30 Years of Last of the Summer Wine
The Funny Side of Christmas

Ideas?? Chuck
Just came across this odd Summer Wine DVD. Title is Roy Clarke's
Last of the Summer Wine, Disk One with a photo of Compo,
Foggy, and Clegg. Sez BBC Video and WB (Warner Bros?).
2004 BBC Worldwide America and 1995 BBC. Anybody else
know what/why this is??

Contents are:

Leaving Home Forever (or until teatime)
Bicycle Bonanza
Glamour of the Uniform
First Human Being to ride a Hill
Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure

30 Years of Last of the Summer Wine
The Funny Side of Christmas

Ideas?? Chuck

It's Disc 1 of the 2-disc Vintage 1995 set.
Thanks Marianna.

I have all this stuff on other discs I downloaded over the years,
but really curious where I got this disc and why I don't have disc 2
of this set.

Ah well ....
Some of the earlier "Vintage" sets have interesting specials and interviews not available elsewhere. You may have acquired that one for the Funny Side segment.
When it hit retail in 2004, it was the first BBC Warner Bros- Summer Wine DVD released in the States. The second disc of the package includes the documentary "Thora - A tribute to her Life and Career."
The other episodes on Disc 2 were "Desperate for a Duffield," "The Suit That Turned Left,"The Thing in Wesley's Shed,"Beware The Elbow," "The Thing in Wesley's Shed," "Brushes At Dawn" and "A Leg Up For Christmas."

Just as a side note. the first overall Summer Wine DVD release in the States was a package from BFS Entertainment in 2003. It was four discs with three episodes per disc on 3 of them and "Getting Sam Home" on the fourth disc. The first disc had "Short Back and Palais Glide," "Inventor of the 40-foot Ferret" and "Paté and Chips" all presented as one continuous episode. The next disc had "Spring Fever," "The New Mobile Trio" and "Hail Smiling Morn or Thereabouts." These were presented as separate episodes unlike the first disc. The third disc had "Forked Lightning," "Who's That Dancing With Nora Batty Then?" and "The Changing Face of Rural Blamire" (also presented as separate episodes as they were intended to be).

No extras on the disc and the menus were very barebones. Definitely a budget package as I think I got it from Tower Records for $19 back then. The vintage 1995 disc was a drastic improvement in all facets but it came out more than a year after the BFS release.