Odd Women - Thread for Men Only

Big Unc

Dedicated Member
I have been challenged to describe the type of odd women I have encountered in my life. This is a highly risky venture on which I am not prepared to set out alone. So I have created this thread for all you guys to share. One limitation - no one is permitted to include the host of odd women with which we share this forum.
Seen the title of this tread and rolled round the floor laughing. ;D

" One limitation - no one is permitted to include the host of odd women with which we share this forum."
Unc I might have to plead the fifth amendment on this subject but they were not as bad as Compo,s women,one did have tattoos and some strange friends .Had a lucky escape when I tried to go out with local thugs girlfriend she directed me to her friend who was rather nice.
Only "" odd"" woman I bumped into was one who thought to break my finger because I wasn't paying enough attention! The others fell into two camps , the ones who found me nice and friendly and enjoyed spending time together and the ones who seemed to think I wasn't good enough for them and wouldn't touch me with a bargepole ::) ::) Mostly I got along with everyone. :me:
Is this thread in the right place? I only ask because it is in the "About the series" section, which if so implies that in LOTSW there are odd women.

If anything, I would suggest that it is the men in the series that are more of the "odd" type, while the women tend to be more down to earth, realistic, but also the battleaxe type that you wouldn't want, as a man, to perhaps be involved with, but often end up with. Most men would probably want the Marina type rather than Nora, but perhaps less of an obvious tart. I think in LOTSW most of the married men became resigned to their fate, although there must have been a time when their partners were desirable. As with many relationships they become use to each other and accepting.

As for the odd men in LOTSW, let's face it some of the way they behave is quite questionable if it weren't for the fact that it is a comedy. Compo would fall into the "dirty old man" category for many as he grabs and gropes around Nora and occasionally Ivy. Marina is occasionally more welcoming to him, but let's be honest, it's not behaviour that is acceptable, you wouldn't want him as a neighbour would you? Especially if you are a woman. The police would be knocking on his door quite regularly!

If on the other hand the thread is about women we men have known, then I've met the occasional one that is "odd", but there again I'm ok with quirkiness and eccentricity. What is often seen as normal in the world can be quite odd at times if you ask me.