Oil on Your Collar


Staff member
In the episode Welcome to Earth, Pearl see's oil on Howard's collar, yet I cannot see any when he takes his hand away
Howard was a wiz with facial expressions & you could tell he was petrified that it was lipstick, and great relief when Pearl said oil.
Defence system :rolling::rolling::rolling::rolling::rolling: you people are hilarious.

Well to be fair Pearl you have a point a lot of men's first defence to counter something they have done wrong is a bunch of Garage Forecourt flowers , their better half's expression is enough to wither them before they even reach the Vase. Need to be far more inventive . :(
Well to be fair Pearl you have a point a lot of men's first defence to counter something they have done wrong is a bunch of Garage Forecourt flowers , their better half's expression is enough to wither them before they even reach the Vase. Need to be far more inventive . :(
Here's a tip about garage flowers, use Tesco or Morrisons because then we don't know if you went in the shop or the garage.
A poem for the occasion, @captain clutterbuck . I believe you like some clever word play. :)

As well as a guide for picking up flowers for the ladies. For those of us gents a bit on the thick side of figuring out the ladies at times :redface2:. Like Cleggy once said I wish they came with an instruction manual. :29:
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