Old map of Holmfirth Towngate.


Staff member
This map was shared by a member of the Facebook Summer Wine fan page showing the layout and occupancy in Holmfirth between 1900/1921. It was contained in the book "Holmfirth by Lamplight" by Wylbert Kemp. Sid's Cafe was a conservative club then and we have the names and professions of many of the inhabitants in the area at that time. Many thanks to Rich and Deb Thope for permission to share.
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Old map of Holmfirth Towngate


Did you spot the touch of irony? If you look at 19 at the bottom part of the map it was a hosier's shop named S. Battye wonder if the stockings they sold were also wrinkled?

Did you spot the touch of irony? If you look at 19 at the bottom part of the map it was a hosier's shop named S. Battye wonder if the stockings they sold were also wrinkled?
According to Rob Thorpe Battye was/is a very common name in the area. This in an advertisement I think is from the aforementioned book by Wylbert Kemp.
Since Nora Batty was just a throw in character intended for a single appearance, I wonder if the name was coincidental or something Clarke picked up on. An interesting question!
Old map of Holmfirth Towngate

According to Rob Thorpe Battye was/is a very common name in the area. This in an advertisement I think is from the aforementioned book by Wylbert Kemp.


Clearly that is the case this advert refers to H Battye who, when you look at the map, was at shop lots 12-14 and 16 , S Battye the hosier was around the corner at shop lot 19