Old Paperback Book

This is the very one I refer to in another thread about the 1974 book - buy it while you can.

My copy was the second impression of 1975 so it must have been quite popular to get a second print run.
This should be the Blamire version as that one was published by Coronet, the later 'Foggy' version was published by Granada in 1983.

Just checked - the text does not read right for Foggy in my view.
This should be the Blamire version as that one was published by Coronet, the later 'Foggy' version was published by Granada in 1983.

Just checked - the text does not read right for Foggy in my view.

I am only going on the ISBN Number they have supplied
Does anyone know the ISBNs for these novels that Getting Sam Home was based on? Either the original Blamire or the revised Foggy version.
The ISBN for the Foggy version is 0-586-05903-2 that is the 1983 publication. The Blamire version is 0-340-18994-0 the 1974 publication.
I Spotted on ebay a early Roy Clarke paperback is being sold for about £4 with postage,I have seen this book at a much higher price,so if you do not have it,now may be the time to get a copy,link to the sale is


and the cover should be like this

Ha ha ha!!! I clicked on the above link and DID NOT arrive at the aforementioned book!!! Perhaps the link does not work the same across the pond. Instead got a link to the Fifty Shades book. Ha ha ha!!!
Its coming up as Summer Wine books now but I tried it 3 times ( Just to make sure, you understand) and it was definitely coming up with 50 Shades. 8)