One for Captain Clutterbuck

Not my genre wheelhouse so please don't tar and feather me since it's meant to be a compliment... kinda got a little Mama Cass vibe from Sandy Denny. Mind you all I know of Sandy is a tiny bit from the videos posted by gothic here. British folk rock compared to American folk rock.

Watched a Janis Joplin Ball n Chain video the other day of her at Monterey with Mama Cass awestruck in the audience. Which somehow had me draw a connection between Mama and Sandy.

If you like a clean voice with piano, have you heard any Tori Amos? Perhaps live at Montreux 1991/ 1992... for example her song Winter. Can post a link if you are interested. A very talented lady. Maybe not your cup of tea, but thought I would throw that out there. Liked her a lot in the '90's.

As Clegg liked to say 'I'll go stand over there and be quiet now.'