Our Trio and Socal Media


Staff member
How do you think Compo, Foggy, Clegg and the rest of the gang would have taken to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram?

What kinds of groups would they have joined? Who would be friends with who or follow who? Can you think of any statuses or Tweets they would have posted.
I can`t see any of them getting involved in that sort of thing Pearl. Perhaps Seymour might have done if only to get some students for his postal course.
Cleggy failed toaster (too complicated for me :13: ) Compo could never afford it!! Look what a Horlicks Foggy made with his bleeper!:39: So I think that may be a non-starter Pearl.:35:
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Our Trio and Social Media

No way Foggy could stick to 140 characters on Twitter, Marina and Miss Davenport would for sure be on Tinder dating. Auntie would flood EBay with her stock but could she stand the tension of the Auction ?? Perhaps she would set up a rival to Amazon called AWOL , simply Auntie Wainwright On Line . If Tom and Smiler think its hard delivering items now boy are they in for a shock .With the fleet of the hand cart , tandem, old Hearse and Milk Float think Prime delivery would be pushing it ,top service would have to be same week delivery. I think they would have their very own Yorkshire based electronic mail service E-BYE-GUM-MAIL and music streaming service
T' ITunes:)
I think Foggy was an early adopter. He would have been all over the internet in a heartbeat........of course his use of it would have gone horribly wrong. Setting up emails for everyone, social media to launch a great money making venture, trying to get Cleggie and Compo on board.......a perfect venue for Foggy.
I think Compo might have used Facebook to 'poke' Nora on a regular basis. For you non Facebookers that's not as rude as it might sound ;D
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No way Foggy could stick to 140 characters on Twitter, Marina and Miss Davenport would for sure be on Tinder dating. Auntie would flood EBay with her stock but could she stand the tension of the Auction ?? Perhaps she would set up a rival to Amazon called AWOL , simply Auntie Wainwright On Line . If Tom and Smiler think its hard delivering items now boy are they in for a shock .With the fleet of the hand cart , tandem, old Hearse and Milk Float think Prime delivery would be pushing it ,top service would have to be same week delivery. I think they would have their very own Yorkshire based electronic mail service E-BYE-GUM-MAIL and music streaming service
T' ITunes:)

I think given the choice of buying from China ( WhichI have this week inadvertently also didn't know it was coming via Yodel :tw: ) and Auntie Wainwright's AWOL service I think I'd pick China and Yodel and be very very grateful. ;D
I think Howard would try to get connected to the Internet he would use his WIFI in Clegg's house to be on Facebook or Twitter to chat to Marina . In secret.
I think given the choice of buying from China ( Which I have this week inadvertently also didn't know it was coming via Yodel :tw: ) and Auntie Wainwright's AWOL service I think I'd pick China and Yodel and be very very grateful. ;D

I have to hold my hands up and apologise to Yodel, not only did they get my parcel to me from China without losing it or leaving it on the roof but they got it to me AHEAD of time!!!