Over 3 decades an "unsung hero" !!!!!


Dedicated Member
A big "hello !!!!" to all my fellow members of our wonderful site !!
Having given my heartfelt plaudits to the special genius of roy clarke,i thought about the unique "feeling" our show gives to each and everyone of us,then.........it was like a "lightbulb moment"..........the magical ingredient that binds all the "warm lovelyness" together is the beautiful music of mr.ronnie hazlehurst !!!
Because we all become so engrossed in each episode, i think we sometimes take the music for granted.
It is the only show i can think of ,where the music is an intrinsic part of the viewing experience.
Can you imagine the show without it ????......me neither !!!!
We have had 3 episodes,where "those special words" have been put together with our famous signature tune.
I think you will all agree that there was not a dry eye in the house when it was sung at "compo's "funeral,with all the people in white overalls,on the hill...yes the "see ya compo" moment.
The" incidental music" is the work of a true musical genius!!!
After my "hero worship" of roy,i felt i had to give praise the" 2nd part of the jigsaw",who has given me the most viewing pleasure in my 49 years on this planet !!!
Best wishes to each and everyone on our wonderful site !!!!!
Agreed Keith,I think it's a big part of why time after time you hear people say how they feel comforted by the show and how it helps them relax,have you ever seen the film that plays on a loop at the Summer Wine exhibition in Holmfirth,one of the things that struck me about it was watching the orchestra being conducted to every single moment and scene on the show,try and watch it if you havn't already,the work that goes into it is amazing,the other thing that struck me was how proper and "posh" Robert Fyfe speaks in real life,and the out takes are hilarious,unfortunately you can't buy it I'v asked,they said it was a special film made only for the museum,its worth the entrance fee just to sit and watch it,and amongst other things you can see for yourself the wonder and magic of this unsung hero.
I agree. I think Ronnie Hazelhurst was a big part of the success for the show. I love how you can listen to the show, without watching the screen, and still know what is happening, because his music tells the story. There are some scenes where I back up and watch them again because he's done such a superb job matching the music to the actions and story.
I agree that Ronnie Hazlehurst was superb for Summer Wine and a key part of things.

His list of credits for other shows will probably also never be matched. For example, Reginald Perrin, Some Mothers Do Ave Em, Sorry, The Two Ronnies, Butterflies, Dear John etc.

Some great stuff.
That is actually only a small selection...

The Liver Birds, The Generation Game, Citizen Smith, Only Fools and Horses, Just Good Friends, Are You Being Served…

He worked on everything! :42:
Wow Nicko !
He was more of a genius than I ever imagined,
Thankyou for that,what a wonderful lifes work.