Politically correct


Staff member
Sky have started including terms like "includes outdated language" and Sky cinema says "includes outdated opinions" sometimes. I hope they don't start doing this with SW. Films which have warnings include Gone with the Wind, Flash Gordon and Dumbo..


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I think the story around Captain Pugwash was embellished over the years saw a documentary film about legendary shows that allegedly beat the censor and on that they said the risque dialogue never appeared and that it was all conjured up by someone and then exaggerated over the years. Who knows without watching the show and probably a lot of the material has been lost.

Sky have started including terms like "includes outdated language" and Sky cinema says "includes outdated opinions" sometimes. I hope they don't start doing this with SW. Films which have warnings include Gone with the Wind, Flash Gordon and Dumbo..

Apparently one film with the outdated language/opinions warning was from 2019!
It was when Howard was locked in by an alarm that went off if he tried to sneak out ! Cleggy said to Truly "Who do we know thats good with electronics?" Thats when he did the slanty eyes thing !
The Summer wine postie had the "largest round", as Cleggy could see. It also reminds me of the National Express song in which a similar reference is made about the conductress! Vote with your feet. As I've mentioned before, ditch Sky! Buy you favourite box sets.
I only keep SKY for the sports. I'm a huge cricket fan.I'd watch kids and their dogs in the local park if they are cricketing :eyesroll: