props Ivy used to hit Sid and others


Dedicated Member
We know about the chip pan and the wooden spoon I alluded to in the "Deep In The Heart Of Yorkshire" thread, but what else did she use to keep others in line? If there was anything else that is, although I don't recall.
We know about the chip pan and the wooden spoon I alluded to in the "Deep In The Heart Of Yorkshire" thread, but what else did she use to keep others in line? If there was anything else that is, although I don't recall.

There was the tea tray of course,Compo found the wrong end of that many times. :)
also thowing tea cups at sid as he swept up outsidr the cafe in mending Stuarts leg
Would I be unkind and out of order to say she used her tongue also as a weapon???
While you only heard the sound, when Sid & Ivy were behind the door, it sounded like she threw everything at him but the kitchen sink. Poor guy, he should have carried a shield at all times.